0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

miyithemeset v0.1.0

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2 years ago

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ThemeSet is an online tool theme configs generator.

💡 How to use

G2 提供了自定义主题机制以允许用户切换、定义图表主题。利用 ThemeSet 工具,工程师或者设计师可以在线设计图表通用主题规范,然后导出或复制主题配置,直接使用 registerTheme API 进行主题定制。

Use in G2. More details in 自定义主题 | G2

import { registerTheme } from '@antv/g2';

// method 1:
registerTheme('newTheme', {
  // Theme configs exported of copied

// method 2:
  // Theme configs exported of copied

Use in G2Plot. More details in 图表主题 | G2Plot

import { G2, Line } from '@antv/g2plot';

// method 1:
G2.registerTheme('newTheme', {
  // Theme configs exported of copied
const plot = new Line({
  // ... other configurations of Line plot
  theme: 'newTheme',
// or
plot.update({ theme: 'newTheme' });

// method 2:
const plot = new Line({
  // ... 折线图的其他配置
  theme: {
    // Theme configs exported of copied
// 或者
  theme: {
    // Theme configs exported of copied

⌨️ Contribute

# Clone repository
git clone git@github.com:antvis/theme-set.git

# Enter file dir
cd theme-set

# Install dependencies and start
npm install && npm start

# Open website: http://localhost:8000

📧 Contact us

DingTalk Group: 30233731