1.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

mk-todo-list v1.0.5

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Last release
2 years ago

Mk ToDo List Note: There are two ToDo list entries already added, for you to perform Different operation.

There are Two ways to run this Application.

First: type "npx mk-todo-list" in command Line (Windows) or Terminal (Mac or Linux), if node is installed, then it will prompt you to install required libraries, install them and you are good to go.

Second: To run this application, clone this repo. and then type in command line or terminal "npm install" in terminal in vscode all required libraries will be downloaded automatically. Voilla, run the application and enjoy!

Instruction On: How to Use:

Opening ToDo List

Select "Open Todo List" Already Saved Entries will be Display.

Adding to ToDo List

Select "Add Todo" Enter title, press enter than enter discription but discription is optional, If you just enter at Discription "N/A" will be automatically added.

Deleting a Todo Entry

Select "Delete Todo" Enter Todo list Id number, and press enter, it will be deleted from ToDo List.

Updating Todo List

Select Marked Todo As Completed

Enter Todo list Id number, and press enter, status will change from "Pending" to "Completed".