mldoc_org v0.2.7
- mldoc_org Another Org-mode parser implemented using OCaml and []. It's based on [] which is a high quality Org-mode parser written by [].
Usage * For Javascript users #+BEGIN_SRC sh
# install mldoc_org
npm install -g mldoc_org
# convert org mode file to html
mldoc_org makehtml -i ./ -o ./test.html
*** For OCaml users #+BEGIN_SRC sh
# compile
# convert org file to html
_build/default/bin/main.exe ./ -o ./test.html
*** Invoke utop in Emacs #+BEGIN_SRC sh opam config exec -- dune utop lib -- -emacs #+END_SRC
Parsing todos 12/12 * DONE Heading 7/7 1. X level 2. X marker 3. X priority 4. X title 5. X tags 6. X stats 7. X footnote
*** DONE Markup (Inline) 14/14 1. X Latex fragment 2. X timestamp 3. X entity 4. X macro 5. X statistics cookie 6. X footnote reference 7. X link 8. X direct link 9. X target 10. X verbatim 11. X code 12. X nested emphasis 4/4 1. X bold 2. X underline 3. X italic 4. X strike_through 13. X subscript 14. X superscript
*** DONE Table 2/2 1. X preliminary support 2. X column groups
*** DONE List 3/3 1. X Unordered list 2. X Ordered list 3. X Definition list
*** DONE Directive
*** DONE Block 5/5 1. X src 2. X quote 3. X example 4. X custom 5. X block nested in block
*** DONE Comment
*** DONE Drawer Not exported.
*** DONE Horizontal
*** DONE Latex environment
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