1.3.0 • Published 4 years ago

mntr-cli v1.3.0

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Last release
4 years ago


A stress test CLI for Minter Blockhain

oclif Version Downloads/week License

A simple but very powerful tool to test any node for reliability.


  • Response stats
  • Shows failed responses by status code
  • In-depth logging, if MNTR_DEBUG=* env variable is set


We recommend to run this at first:

$ ulimit -n 2048

To use production version:

$ yarn global add mntr-cli
$ npx mntr-cli -p PRIVATE_KEY -n https://gungnir.stakeholder.space --rate 100 --duration 10 -s Mxbc04b1c077df678355c6c7c924d0f59ce66acf4f

To use dev version:

$ git clone https://github.com/tasyp/mntr-cli
$ cd mntr-cli/
$ ./bin/run -p PRIVATE_KEY -n https://gungnir.stakeholder.space --rate 100 --duration 10 -s Mxbc04b1c077df678355c6c7c924d0f59ce66acf4f

Command Params

Available CLI arguments

  • --help / -h - Gives you a manual with description of all available params
  • --privateKey / -p string - Wallet private key which will be used to send transactions.
  • --node / -n string - A node URI to connect to.
  • --send_to / -s string - The address of test transactions retriever
  • --rate / -r integer=2000 - The amount of requests per second.
  • --duration / -d integer=60 - The duration of test in seconds
  • --coin / -c string='MNT' - A coin to use for transactions
  • --amount / -a float='0.01' - The amount of coins used for a test transactions
  • --maxSockets / -m integer=2048 - Max sockets amount
  • --chainId / -i string='2' - Chain ID to use: 1 for mainnet and 2 for testnet
  • --headers string - Headers to use for requests. Format -Key:Value. It can be used multiple times to use many headers at once, e.g.:
mntr-cli --headers "X-Project-Id:project-id" --headers "X-Project-Secret:secret"