0.0.6 • Published 6 years ago
mobile-rn-sound-player v0.0.6
Redux/Saga wrapper for react-native-sound component.
Version 0.0.6, 2018/09/14
Module Public Interfaces
import { constants as soundPlayerConstants } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player'
NAME - component name (for reducer)
Pre-defined pathes
PATH_BUNDLE - main bundle path
PATH_DOCUMENT - document path
PATH_DATA - path for data (inter-session) files
PATH_TEMP - path for temporary (session) files
Notification actions:
ON_ERROR - action invoked on processing error
Error codes:
ERROR_NOT_MOUNTED - component was not properly initialized
ERROR_SOURCE_URI - Sound source is either not specified or not accessible
(details: { uri, basePath})
ERROR_PLAYBACK - generic playback error
Action Creators
import { actions as soundPlayerActions } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player'
* Initializes component (should be called first)
* @param options.updateFrequency update period for current pos in ms
* @param options.logLevel logging level (0 - no debug info, default; 1; 2 - wordy log)
const mountRequest = (options) => ({ type: constants.MOUNT_REQUEST, options });
* Shutdowns component
const unmountRequest = () => ({ type: constants.UNMOUNT_REQUEST });
Start/Stop/Pause/Set Position/Set Volume
* Starts playback
* @param source.uri sound file name or http url (required)
* @param source.basePath path (if 'uri' is a file, may contain special path PATH_(...))
* @param options.paused initial paused state (by default isPaused = false)
* @param options.repeat repetition counter (-1 for infinite loop, 1 by default)
* @param options.pos initial position in secs (0.0 by default)
* @param options.volume initial volume (0.0 - 1.0, 1.0 by default)
const startRequest = (source, options = { paused: false, repeat: 1, pos : 0.0,
volume: { mute: false, level: 1.0 }}) => ({
type: constants.START_REQUEST,
* Stops playback
* @param success false if stopped by error, true otherwise (true by default)
const stopRequest = (success = true) => ({ type: constants.STOP_REQUEST, success });
* Pauses/Resumes playback
* @param paused true to set paused state, false to continue playback,
undefined to revert current state
const pauseRequest = (paused) => ({ type: constants.PAUSE_REQUEST, paused });
* Sets position within file
* @param pos position in secs (0 <= pos < duration)
const setPosRequest = (pos = 0.0) => ({ type: constants.SET_POS_REQUEST, pos });
* Sets volume
* @param volume volume descriptor
const setVolumeRequest = (volume = { mute: false, level: 1.0} ) => ({
type: constants.SET_VOLUME_REQUEST,
import { selectors as soundPlayerSelectors } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player'
soundPlayerSelectors.isMounted() - true if component is ready for recording (mounted)
soundPlayerSelectors.isPlaying() - true if playback is in progress (between start & stop requests)
soundPlayerSelectors.isPaused() - true if playback is paused (isPlaying is 'true')
soundPlayerSelectors.getCurrentTime() - current time in secs [Real Number]
soundPlayerSelectors.getInfo() - descriptor of the last loaded sound *
soundPlayerSelectors.getDuration() - duration in secs of the last loaded sound
soundPlayerSelectors.getVolume() - volume descriptor, e.g. { mute: false, level: 1.0 }
soundPlayerSelectors.getError() - last error descriptor **
// * Info object:
const defaultInfo = {
uri: '', // file uri
basePath: '', // base path (if applicable)
size: 0.0, // file size in bytes, -1 for http source
duration: 0.0 // sound duration in secs (if available)
// ** Error object:
const error = {
errCode: 0, // error code, one of soundPlayerConstants.ERROR_(...) constants
details: { // arbitrary additional information
error: new Error(message) // default Error object with optional message
... // additional error-specific data
Getting started
Step 1. Install mobile-rn-sound-player
$ npm install mobile-rn-sound-player --save
# or with yarn
$ yarn add mobile-rn-sound-player
Step 2. Install react-native-sound
If you have already installed react-native-sound as a dependency for your project you can skip this step. Otherwise please follow instructions provided here https://github.com/zmxv/react-native-sound.
Project Integration (2 steps)
Step 1. Add sound player's reducer to the root reducer
// rootReducer.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer as soundPlayerReducer,
constants as soundPlayerConstants } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
[soundPlayerConstants.NAME]: soundPlayerReducer,
export default rootReducer;
Step 2. Initialize & run sound player's saga
// rootSaga.js
import { all, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { saga as soundPlayerSaga } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player';
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
// rootSaga.js
import { all, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import soundPlayer from 'mobile-rn-sound-player';
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([
Usage in React Native components
Step 1. Screen
// components/VoicePlayer/VoicePlayerContainer.js
import VoicePlayer from './VoicePlayer';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { selectors as soundPlayerSelectors,
actions as soundPlayerActions } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player';
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
isPlaying: soundPlayerSelectors.isPlaying(state),
isPaused: soundPlayerSelectors.isPaused(state),
currentTime: soundPlayerSelectors.getCurrentTime(state),
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return bindActionCreators({
mountRequest: soundPlayerActions.mountRequest,
unmountRequest: soundPlayerActions.unmountRequest,
startRequest: soundPlayerActions.startRequest,
stopRequest: soundPlayerActions.stopRequest,
pauseRequest: soundPlayerActions.pauseRequest,
}, dispatch);
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(VoicePlayer);
// components/VoicePlayer/VoicePlayer.js
import { constants as soundPlayerConstants } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player';
class VoicePlayer extends Component {
static propTypes = {
isPlaying: PropTypes.bool,
isPaused: PropTypes.bool,
currentTime: PropTypes.number,
mountRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
unmountRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
startRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
stopRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
pauseRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
static defaultProps = {
isPlaying: false,
isPaused: false,
currentTime: 0.0
componentDidMount() {
// Note, that 1) the component will be drawn first time with the default props,
// 2) It is more safe to initialize recorder somewhere earlier than here on componentDidMount()
const options = { updateFrequency: 150, logLevel: 1 }; // optional, if differs from defaults
componentWillUnmount() {
handleStart = () => {
const source = {
uri: fileName, // file name (or url)
basePath: soundPlayerConstants.PATH_DOCUMENT // base path (required for files, n/a for urls)
const options = { // optional, if differs from defaults
volume: { level: 0.5 } // set volume level 0.5, mute = false
this.props.startRequest(source, options);
handleStop = () => {
handlePause = () => {
render() {
export default VoicePlayer;
Step 2. Saga
// saga/onSoundPlayer.js
import { Alert } from 'react-native';
import { takeLatest, call, select, put, all } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { constants as soundPlayerConstants } from 'mobile-rn-sound-player';
function* _onSoundError(action) {
try {
const { errCode, details } = action.error;
switch (errCode) {
case soundPlayerConstants.ERROR_SOURCE_URI:
`Sound source is either not found or not accessible (${details.uri})`,
[{text: 'OK'}], { cancelable: false });
catch (err) {
export function* watchOnSoundError() {
yield takeLatest(soundPlayerConstants.ON_ERROR, _onSoundError);
// Note: you could place soundPlayer.saga here in order to have all
// sound player's sagas in one place
export function* watchOnSoundPlayer() {
yield all([