3.4.0 • Published 3 years ago

mobilitybox v3.4.0

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3 years ago

Mobilitybox.js BuildCoverageVersion

A fast and easy to use wrapper for the Mobilitybox. Get scheduling data at ease.

Projects based on Mobilitybox


const { Mobilitybox } = require('mobilitybox');

const mobilitybox_access_token = 'hallo_welt123';
const mobilitybox = new Mobilitybox(mobilitybox_access_token);
  console.log('Attributions: '+attributions.text);

mobilitybox.find_stations_by_name({ query: "Hamburg-Dammtor" }, (stations)=>{
  var station = stations[0];

  console.log('Next Departures for Station: '+station.name);

        " - ",


Install with NPM (npm install mobilitybox) or Yarn (yarn add mobilitybox), then:

// import as an ES module
import { Mobilitybox } from 'mobilitybox';

// or require in Node / Browserify
const { Mobilitybox } = require('mobilitybox');

Or use a browser build directly:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/mobilitybox/dist/mobilitybox.min.js"></script> <!-- minified build -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mobilitybox/dist/mobilitybox.js"></script> <!-- dev build -->


API Reference

Mobilitybox | Base object

new Mobilitybox(access_token, base_url)

Base object for the Mobility framework.

Mobilitybox.find_stations_by_name({ query, longitude, latitude })

Station search by name, optionally be also favoring stations close the location at (longitude, latitude). Returns with a list of MobilityboxStation objects.

  • query | a string to search for
  • longitude | (optional) prioritise results around this location (usefull for finding something like the closest main station to the user)
  • latitude | (optional) prioritise results around this location (usefull for finding something like the closest main station to the user)

Mobilitybox.find_stations_by_position({longitude, latitude})

Station search by a Geo-Position. Returns with a list of MobilityboxStation objects.

  • longitude | an object in Format {latitude: 52.123, longitude: 13.123} (Coordinates are floats in degree in WGS84)
  • latitude | an object in Format {latitude: 52.123, longitude: 13.123} (Coordinates are floats in degree in WGS84)

Mobilitybox.find_stations_by_id({id, id_type})

Station search by its id. Returns a MobilityboxStation object.

  • id | the id of the station. Usually the start with: vesputi:station:
  • id_type (optional, default: mobilitybox) | you can search also for id from other sources like dhid, delfi or mobilitybox


Returns an object including the Attributions suitable for HTML or as text and link.

  "html": "&lt;a href='https://www.themobilitybox.com/&apos;&gt;Mobilitybox | Shown data: Delfi e.V.&lt;/a&gt;",
  "text": "Mobilitybox | Shown data: Delfi e.V.",
  "url": "https://www.themobilitybox.com/"


returns with a MobilityboxTrip object based on its id.

const mobilitybox = new Mobilitybox('abc');
var trip = await mobilitybox.get_trip({id: "vesputi:trip:foobar"})

Mobilitybox.find_trip_by_characteristics({origins_from_station, destination_station, origins_from_departure_time, destination_arrival_time, line_name})

returns a Promise to a MobilityboxTrip.

  • origins_from_station | MobilityboxStop or Identifier of the first station of the trip.
  • destination_station | MobilityboxStop or Identifier of the last station of the trip.
  • origins_from_departure_time | The departure time on the starting station as unix timestamp in milliseconds or as a MobilityboxEventTime
  • destination_arrival_time | The arrival time on the ending station as unix timestamp in milliseconds or as a MobilityboxEventTime
  • line_name | (optional) The short name of the corresponding line
const mobilitybox = new Mobilitybox('abc');
const origins_from_departure_time = new Date("2021-01-01T12:00:00").getTime();
const destination_arrival_time = new Date("2021-01-01T13:00:00").getTime();

var trip = await mobilitybox.get_trip({origins_from_station: "vesputi:station:1234", destination_station: "vesputi:station:5678", origins_from_departure_time: origins_from_departure_time, destination_arrival_time: destination_arrival_time, line_name: "foobar"})


This creates a new MobilityboxStation object based on the given data without making a network request. This is espacially useful when taking station_data from outside the framework like from an object on a map.

const mobilitybox = new Mobilitybox('abc');
var station = mobilitybox.build_station({
  name: "a_station_name",
  id: "a_station_id",
  position: {
    latitude: 1.2345,
    longitude: 1.2345

Mobilitybox.vector_tile_source() DEPRECATED

This method is deprecated, please use Mobilitybox.station_map_vector_tile_source(). The old method will be removed with version 4.0

In order to show stations and platforms on a map it is usefull to transfer them as map tiles. (Gives you only the currently displayed stations.) This returns a Mapbox compatible structure to set a source of these tiles including its urls (may be multiple for load-distribution).

You can access the urls only by refering to mobilitybox.vector_tile_source().tiles.


In order to show stations and platforms on a map it is usefull to transfer them as map tiles. (Gives you only the currently displayed stations.) This returns a Mapbox compatible structure to set a source of these tiles including its urls (may be multiple for load-distribution).

You can access the urls only by refering to mobilitybox.station_map_vector_tile_source().tiles.

mapbox_map.addSource('station_tiles', window.mobilitybox.station_map_vector_tile_source())

Mobilitybox.relevant_routes_vector_tile_source() DEPRECATED

This method is deprecated, please use Mobilitybox.transit_map_vector_tile_source(). The old method will be removed with version 4.0

In order to show relevant routes on a map it is usefull to transfer them as map tiles. (Gives you only the currently displayed segments.) This returns a Mapbox compatible structure to set a source of these tiles including its urls (may be multiple for load-distribution).

You can access the urls only by refering to mobilitybox.relevant_routes_vector_tile_source().tiles.

mapbox_map.addSource('relevant_route_tiles', window.mobilitybox.relevant_routes_vector_tile_source())


(DEPRECATED: Mobilitybox.relevant_routes_vector_tile_source())

The transit map layer is a set of lines on a map which represent the typical routes public transit vehicles take. This includes for example buses, trams and subways. This transit map layer might show routes of different importance on different zoom levels. This returns a Mapbox compatible structure to set a source of these tiles including its urls (may be multiple for load-distribution).

You can access the urls only by refering to mobilitybox.transit_map_vector_tile_source().tiles.

mapbox_map.addSource('transit_map_segments', window.mobilitybox.transit_map_vector_tile_source())

CancablePromise | You can stop requests

All Promises returned are cancable. You can stop each promise. After cancel(), the promise is never resolved. This is espacially usefull if you are loading departures on a station, but the user decides to select another station. So you can cancel the promise and go on. (Details on Github: CancelablePromise)

const request = station.get_next_departures().then((departures)=>{
  console.log(departure.headsign); //This will not be executed


MobilityboxStation | A Station object

MobilityboxDeparture | A departure of a trip on a station


  • headsign - string | The direction as indicated on the vehicle. Usually the final station. //e.g. "Hogsmead"
  • line_name - string | Name of the Line given by its authority //e.g. "5972"
  • type - object | Kind and Product helpful to differentiate trams and busses
    • TODO: Document the possible types {kind string, product string }
  • provider - string | Authority of the trip. //e.g. "Hogwarts Express Railway Authorities"
  • platform - string | Platform name if //e.g. "9 3/4" can be null if none is given
  • departure_time MobilityboxEventTime | The time referencing the departure. With prediction and scheduled time. (Prediction can be null if none is given.)
  • mobilitybox // Mobilitybox | The underlying Mobilitybox object


  • none


mobilitybox.find_stations_by_name({ query: "Hamburg-Dammtor" }).then((stations)=>{
  var station = stations[0];

  console.log('Next Departures for Station: '+station.name);

        " - ",

MobilityboxTrip | A Trip object

A trip is a journey of a vehicle at a point in time. It starts somewhere, ends somewhere and stops multiple times in between.


  • name - string | The name of the Trip
    • TODO: Document what the name of a trip is.
  • stops- array | An ordered list of all stops as MobilityboxStop on this trip. Including its station, departure and arrival times.
  • id - string | An unique identifier for this trip. Its value might not be stable in future API versions. It is stable over multiple timetable updates, if the trip doesn't change.
  • geojson- object | MultiLineString GeoJSON. It contains a List of Linestrings, where each of them describes a path of between a pair of stops of the trip.
  • mobilitybox // Mobilitybox | The underlying Mobilitybox object


  • date_formatted() - returns the date of the trip in a german human readable form. e.g. "13.2.2020" If the trip runs over multiple days, it gives you both days. e.g. "13.2.2020 - 14.2.2020"
  • origins_from() - returns the starting station of the trip as MobilityboxStation
  • destination() - returns the last station of the trip as MobilityboxStation

MobilityboxEventTime | A wrapper for easy use of time

An event time is used for departure times and also arrival times, it consists of actually two time-stamps. A scheduled_at and a predicted_at time, because they might differ. Usually used on departure objects: departure.departure_time


  • scheduled_at - Date | The date object of the time when the departure/arrival is supposed to happen. Is null if no time was given (this would be very unusual).
  • predicted_at - Date | The date object of the time when the departure/arrival will probable to happen. (As usually calculated by the control-room-software by knowing the vehicles current position.) Is null if there is no prediction (predictions usually are only given a few minutes before departure/arrival time. So if you pull new data that might change.).


  • scheduled_at_formatted() - String | Gives you the scheduled time as a formatted string in german style. e.g. "8:06". Returns null if time is not set (this would be very unusual).
  • predicted_at_formatted() - String | Gives you the predicted time as a formatted string in german style. e.g. "8:06". Returns null if time is not set (predictions usually are only given a few minutes before departure/arrival time. So if you pull new data that might change.).
  • scheduled_at_date_formatted() - String | Gives you the date as it is scheduled as a formatted string in german style. e.g. "18.2.2021". Returns null if time is not set (this would be very unusual).
  • predicted_at_date_formatted() - String | Gives you the date as it is predicted (usually this is the same date as scheduled, but it might differ, espacially late in the day.) a formatted string in german style. e.g. "18.2.2021". Returns null if time is not set.



MobilityboxStop | Combination of Station and Time

An aggregation object that is describing a vehicle arriving and departuring at a specific time on a specific station.


  • station - MobilityboxStation | The station on wich the vehicle stops.
  • status- string | TODO: Document what the status can be
  • arrival // MobilityboxEventTime | Time when the vehicle will come to the station. It might be an MobilityboxEventTime where the values are null if it is the first station on the trip or the information is unclear (sometimes this is not given for stations where a train waits a long time).
  • departure - MobilityboxEventTime | Time when the vehicle will leave the station. It might be an MobilityboxEventTime where the values are null if it is the last station on the trip (sometimes this is not given for stations where people are not meant to enter a train).


  • none

3 years ago


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3 years ago