1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

mobx-class-model v1.0.2

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4 years ago

Mobx Class Model

Model layer for Mobx application, heavily inspired by the server-side model class approach.

It's designed as extension for Mobx store best practices, so you can easily adopt it to a standalone project.

Using this you can replace your domain stores and share code between stores and views. So our stores becoming feels like a classical P in MVP pattern.

  • ⚙️ Class based
  • 😎 Reducing boilerplate
  • 🏎 Typed (TS)
  • 📦 Lightweight (1.5kb min)

Getting started

Mobx Class Model helps to convert JSON structures into complex object graphs and ensures existence single object reference. Underhood each model class has a reference store to deal with that.

Define model

import { Model, prop, ref } from "mobx-class-model";

// 1. Define the expected Props interface. Usually, it's a server-side JSON structure.
interface ApiUser {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  lastName: string;

// 2. Extend your class from Model.
// 3. And pass Props as generic (which using while creating an instance and updating it).
// 4. Expose using props by @prop decorator.
class User extends Model<ApiUser> {
  @prop id: number;
  @prop name: string;
  @prop lastName: string;

  @computed get fullName() {
    return this.name + this.lastName;

Add relations

interface ApiTodo {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  completed: boolean;
  user: ApiUser;
  performers: ApiUser[];

// 5. Mark prop as releation and pass your model class
class Todo extends Model<ApiTodo> {
  @ref(User) user: User;
  @ref.array(User) performers: User;

  @prop id: number;
  @prop string: number;
  @prop completed: boolean;

Instance methods

model.patch Every instance method has patch method.

todo.patch({ title: "changed" });
todo.title; // changed
todo.user.patch({ lastName: "Snow" });
todo.user.fullName; // John Snow

model.onInit We can define onInit hook which will be called after an initialization.

So how can we produce a new instance of a model?

Class methods

Extending Model also charges your model class by static methods

Model.put Produces a new Model instance or updates existing reference and returns it.

const todo = Todo.put(todoJson);
todo.user.fullName; // John Doe

Model.get Returns existing instance by id. It's observable.

Todo.get(1); // Todo

Model.all Returns all existing instance in order of adding.

Todo.all(); // [Todo]

Model.remove Removes reference from references store.


Model.flush Removes all references from references store.



How to use with RootStore?

class RootStore {
  constructor() {
    Model.prototype.rootStore = this;

class User extends Model<{}> {
  rootStore: RootStore;

const context = new RootStore();

Let's make Todo more realistic

class Todo extends Model<ApiTodo> {
  rootStore: RootStore

  @ref(User) user: User
  @ref.array(User) performers: User

  @prop id: number
  @prop string: number
  @prop completed: boolean

  static fetch(id: number) {
    fetchTodo(id).then(json => this.put(json))

  canEdit() {
    return this.rootStore.currentUser === this.user

  save(props: Partial<ApiTodo>) {
    if (this.id) {
      return updateTodo(this.id, props).then(this.patch)

    return Todo.save()

  assign(userId: number) {
    return assignTodo(this.id, userId).then(() => {

class TodoScreenStore {
  @observable todos = []

  @action fetch() {
    fetchTodos().then(runInAction(data => {
      this.todos = data.map(json =>

  @action create(props: Partial<ApiTodo>) {
    createTodo(props).then(todo =>

const TodosScreen = () => {
  const { todosScreenStore } = useStores()

  useEffect(() => {

  return ...

const TodoModal = ({ id }: { id: number }) => {
  const todo = Todo.get(id)

  return ...

// Or if we need fetch before showing

const TodoModal = () => {
  const { id } = useRouteMatch()

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [id])

  const todo = Todo.get(id)

  return ...