5.1.0-alpha.2 • Published 5 years ago

mobx-validated-field v5.1.0-alpha.2

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5 years ago

Mobx ValidatedField

This library provides an extensible ValidatedField class whose properties are all made observable using mobx.


import { ValidatedField } from './ValidatedField';
// instantiate
const nameField = new ValidatedField();
// add validators
        id: 'fieldIsNotEmpty', // used to keep track of the failing validation
        defaultMessage: 'this field cannot be empty', // message to return when a validation fails
        validateOnChange: (val: string) => {
            // callback that runs on every change
            // returning false indicates an error
            // you can also return a string that will indicate an error and 
            // override the defaultMessage
            // this callback is not required
        validateOnSubmit: (val: string) => {
            // same as validateOnChange but runs when the field is submitted as opposed to every change
            // allows for a final validation of the field
            if (val === '') return false;

ValidatedField Class

interface IValidatedField {
    new (config: IValidatedFieldConfig): IValidatedField;
    value: string;
    hasError: boolean;
    isPristine: boolean;
    isDirty: boolean;
    isMaybeValid: boolean;
    isValid: boolean;
    wasSubmitted: boolean;
    errors: IFieldValidator[];
    validators: IFieldValidator[];
    addValidators(configs: IValidatorConfig[]): void;
    handleChange(val: string): void;
    handleSubmit(): void;


The constructor accepts a config object. See the ValidatedFieldConfig section to see the available options.

Member Descriptions

addValidators(config: IValidatorConfig[]): void

method for adding validators to the field. Each config is used to instantiate a FieldValidator instance. A list of these validators is accessible at ValidatedField#validators

value: string

The current value of the field.

hasError: boolean

True when any of the validators failed. This is not necessarily the opposite of isValid since an error could occur before the field is submitted.

isPristine: boolean

True when the field has not yet changed. ie handleChange has not been called.

isDirty: boolean

True when the field has changed. ie handleChange has been called.

isMaybeValid: boolean

True when all validators are either maybeValid or valid

isValid: boolean

True when all validators are valid and field has been submitted.

wasSubmitted: boolean

Only true after handleSubmit was called.

errors: IFieldValidator[]

returns a list of all validators that have errors.

validators: IFieldValidator[]

returns a list of all validators.

handleChange(val: string): void

Should be called any time the value of the field changes. Invokes the validateOnChange callback on each validator.

handleSubmit(): void

Should be called when the field is done being edited. Invokes the validateOnSubmit callback on each validator.

ValidatedField Config

You can pass a config object to the ValidatedField constructor function. Here are the available options.

interface IValidatedFieldConfig {
    placeholder?: string;
    trimOnSubmit?: boolean;
    required?: boolean;

Property Descriptions

placeholder: string

Provide a placeholder value for the field. This doesn't do anything special, but the passed value is available at fieldInstance.placeholder. Defaults to undefined.

trimOnSubmit: boolean

Trim the value before invoking the validateOnSubmit callback. Defaults to false.

required: boolean

Setting this to true adds a validator which validates that the field's value is set on submit. Defaults to false.

Example Using Config

import { ValidatedField } from './ValidatedField';
// instantiate
const trimmedField = new ValidatedField({trimOnSubmit: true});
// add validators
        id: 'fieldIsNotEmpty', // used to keep track of the failing validation
        defaultMessage: 'this field is required', // message to return when a validation fails
        validateOnSubmit: (val: string) => {
            // same as validateOnChange but runs when the field is submitted as opposed to every change
            // allows for a final validation of the field
            if (val === '') return false;

FieldValidator Config

Config that is passed to ValidatedField#addValidators

interface IValidatorConfig {
    id: string;
    defaultMessage: string;
    validateOnChange?: (val: string) => boolean | string;
    validateOnSubmit?: (val: string) => boolean | string;

Property Descriptions

id: string

Unique id for the validation. Can be used to determine which validation is failing.

defaultMessage: string

The message that is returned when a validation callback has failed. ie returned false

validateOnChange: (val: string) => void

Callback that runs on every change. Returning false indicates a validation error. You can also return a string that will indicate and error and override the defaultMessage

validateOnSubmit: (val: string) => void

same as validateOnChange but runs when the field is submitted as opposed to every change. This allows for a final validation on the value the user wants to submit.

FieldValidator Class

interface IFieldValidator {
    id: string;
    isMaybeValid: boolean;
    isValid: boolean;
    hasError: boolean;
    error: string;
    handleChange(val: string): void; // used internally, should not be called by user
    handleSubmit(val: string): void; // used internally, should not be called by user

Member Descriptions

id: string

Unique id for the validation. Can be used to determine which validation is failing.

isMaybeValid: boolean

True when validation has passed.

isValid: boolean

True when the validation passes on validatedOnSubmit

hasError: boolean

True when either a validateOnChange or validateOnSumbit validation fails

error: string

The actual error message when hasError is true, null if not

Using with React

This library was intended for use with React and Mobx. Here's a simple example implementing it.

// TODO: add this.

Extending the class

You could also extend the ValidatedField class if you wanted to add additional custom functionality.

import { ValidatedField } from './ValidatedField';
export class MyValidatedField extends ValidatedField {
    constructor() {
                id: 'not empty',
                defaultMessage: 'this field cannot be empty',
                validateOnSubmit: (val: string) => {
                    if (val === '') return false;
const myField = new MyValidatedField();
console.log(myField.isValid); // true

5 years ago


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