1.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

mocha-emailable v1.1.1

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Last release
1 year ago


Generates test results in the a single page emailable HTML. Cloned from mochawesome, this is pretty much a clone with the exception of generating a single page HTML report instead of merged json file.


  1. Add to your project:

npm install --save-dev mocha-emailable

  1. Tell mocha to use the mocha-emailable reporter:

mocha testfile.js --reporter mocha-emailable

  1. If using programatically:
var mocha = new Mocha({
  reporter: 'mocha-emailable',

Parallel Mode

Since mocha@8 test files can be run in parallel using the --parallel flag. In order for mocha-emailable to work properly it needs to be registered as a hook.

mocha tests --reporter mocha-emailable --require mocha-emailable/register

The two main files to be aware of are:

result.html - The rendered report file

result.json - The raw json output used to render the report

Custom variable

Custom variable can be included in the result html by creating mocha-emailable.properties file in the project root. Additionally, environment variable can also be used in real time.

// Set environment variable
export BASE_URL=http://www.test.com

// Properties file


Options can be passed to the reporter in two ways.

Mocha reporter-options

You can pass comma-separated options to the reporter via mocha's --reporter-options flag. Options passed this way will take precedence over environment variables.

mocha test.js --reporter mocha-emailable --reporter-options reportDir=customReportDir,reportFilename=customReportFilename

Alternately, reporter-options can be passed in programatically:

var mocha = new Mocha({
  reporter: 'mocha-emailable',
  reporterOptions: {
    reportFilename: 'customReportFilename',
    reportDir: './here',

addContext(testObj, context)

testObjobjectThe test object
contextstringThe context to be added to the test


Be sure to use ES5 functions and not ES6 arrow functions when using addContext to ensure this references the test object.

import * as addContext from 'mocha-emailable/addContext';

describe('test suite', function () {
  it('should add context', function () {
    // context can be a simple string
    addContext(this, 'simple string');


mocha-emailable is MIT licensed.