1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago
mocha-finalize-each v1.0.2
Finalize each test in a mocha test suite and conditionally fail. This is a better afterEach. Stock afterEach
halts the whole suite https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/1635 in case of any afterEach
Below supports all types of tests: sync, async and promises. It unifies them to use promises so that finalizeEach
can have a uniform interface.
var finalizeEach = require('mocha-finalize-each');
describe('some tests', function() {
var sinonSandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
// promise will be resolved after the test code resolves
finalizeEach(this, promise => {
// note: always return a promise here
// note2: if you .catch an error and don't re-throw it your tests will always pass
return promise.then(() => {
// will fail tests if sinon assertions are not satisfied
}).finally(() => {
// clean in all cases
it('some test', function() {
/* ... some code using sinonSandbox */