1.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

mocha-shot v1.0.3

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Last release
8 years ago


Mocha-Shot is a way to create Mocha/Chai tests on-the-fly directly from your files. I was inspired to create Mocha-Shot when implementing Test Driven Development and wanted a way to generate Mocha tests as I coded and quickly generate tests without repeating myself.

Note: Examples below follows mocha shot folder structure and sample files provided.

To use mocha-shot: 1. Add mocha-shot.js to your project or NPM install mocha-shot 2. Require mocha-shot in the files you want to run tests

// If you have mocha-shot.js in your folder (Following the folder structure in mocha shot):
var mochaShot = require('../src/mocha-shot.js');

// If you NPM install:
var mochaShot = require('mocha-shot');
  1. To add the file you want to test to your test.js file invoke createTest method. From sandbox.js file in sample folder:
    If test/test.js does not exist, mocha-shot will dynamically create it for you. If test/test.js does exists, the file will be added to you test.js file:
    var flickrFetcher = require("../sample/sandbox.js");

Mocha-Shot methods: Following the example provided in sandbox.js 1. mochaShot.equal(description, value, expected value);


mochaShot.equal('50 should equal 50', 50, 50);

Generates the following in test.js:

describe("Equality test for numbers, strings, or booleans", function(){
  it("50 should equal 50", function() {
  1. mochaShot.eql(description, value, expected value);


    mochaShot.eql('Foo objects are equal', { foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'bar' });

    Generates the following in test.js:

    describe( "Equality test for objects or arrays", function(){
      it("Foo objects are equal", function() {
  2. mochaShot.eqlFunction(description, method input, expected value, method being tested);


    var description = 'photoObjToURL: Takes a photo object from Flickr and returns a string.';
    var input = {
      id: '24770505034',
      owner: '97248275@N03',
      secret: '31a9986429',
      server: '1577',
      farm: 2,
      title: '20160229090898',
      ispublic: 1,
      isfriend: 0,
      isfamily: 0
    var expected = 'https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1577/24770505034_31a9986429_b.jpg';
    var method = 'flickrFetcher.photoObjToURL';
    mochaShot.eqlFunction(description, input, expected, method);

    Generates the following in test.js:

    describe( "Testing functionality of a module method", function(){
      it("photoObjToURL: Takes a photo object from Flickr and returns a string.", function() {
        var input = {"id":"24770505034","owner":"97248275@N03","secret":"31a9986429","server":"1577","farm":2,"title":"20160229090898","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0};
        var expected = "https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1577/24770505034_31a9986429_b.jpg";
        var actual = flickrFetcher.photoObjToURL(input);