0.0.6 • Published 3 years ago

mocha-stackdriver-merge v0.0.6

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3 years ago

Mocha Stackdriver Merge

Merge tool to be used with .json files generated with mocha-stackdriver-reporter-stats. Inspired by (mochawesome-merge)https://github.com/Antontelesh/mochawesome-merge, google-logger lifted from mocha-stackdriver-reporter.


npm install mocha-stackdriver-merge


npx [path-to-reports]/[report_prefix]_*.json [-o/--output [path-to-output-file]/[output_filename].json -n/--no-cloud ]

By default, it does not write a file, and instead submits the merged object to the cloud logger with the details in the file.

If --no-cloud is specified, it will write a file to [path-to-reports]/[report_prefix]_merged.json; to overwrite the output file location pass in -o with the file location. Specifying -o without --no-cloud both pass the log to Stackdriver and write the file for your perusal.


This was designed with Cypress in mind - recommended usage would be to pop a script in your package.json within cypress so you can npm run a combination of Cypress and this reporter.