2.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

mocha-testrail-reporter v2.0.5

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2 years ago

#Testrail Reporter for Mocha

npm version

Pushes test results into Testrail system.

NOTE : Version 2.0.x is backward compatible with v1 but has been updated to latest dependencies. The V2 choice is to ensure that existing users are not affected!


$ npm install mocha-testrail-reporter --save-dev


Ensure that your testrail installation API is enabled and generate your API keys. See http://docs.gurock.com/

Run mocha with mocha-testrail-reporter:

$ mocha test --reporter mocha-testrail-reporter --reporter-options domain=instance.testrail.net,username=test@example.com,password=12345678,projectId=1,suiteId=1

or use a mocha.options file

mocha --opts mocha-testrail.opts build/test
--reporter mocha-testrail-reporter
--reporter-options domain=instance.testrail.net,username=test@example.com,password=12345678,projectId=1,suiteId=1

Mark your mocha test names with ID of Testrail test cases. Ensure that your case ids are well distinct from test descriptions.

it("C123 C124 Authenticate with invalid user", () => {})
it("Authenticate a valid user C321", () => {})

Only passed or failed tests will be published. Skipped or pending tests will not be published resulting in a "Pending" status in testrail test run.


domain: string domain name of your Testrail instance (e.g. for a hosted instance instance.testrail.net)

username: string user under which the test run will be created (e.g. jenkins or ci)

password: string password or API token for user

projectId: number projet number with which the tests are associated

suiteId: number suite number with which the tests are associated

assignedToId: number (optional) user id which will be assigned failed tests

Build and test locally

Setup testrail test server

  • Start a new TestRail trial from https://www.gurock.com/testrail/test-management/
  • Enable API under https://XXX.testrail.io/index.php?/admin/site_settings&tab=8
  • Add a new project (Use multiple test suites to manage cases)
  • Add a new test suite (ids: 1)
  • Add at least 4 test cases (ids: C1, C2, C3, C4, etc)
  • Once setup, set your environment variables - recommend using .env file in the root folder
    • TESTRAIL_DOMAIN=XXX.testrail.io
  • Execute the build and test commands (unit and integration tests)
  • Execute the e2e test (requires build and .env file)

Build and test

npm run clean
npm run build
npm run test
