0.1.4 • Published 10 years ago

module-bundler v0.1.4

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Last release
10 years ago

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ModuleBundler combines javascript files and provides a minimal AMD-like loader to access them.

A typically bundle file will have multiple bundles and output directories specified like (CoffeeScript config file):

module.exports =
    underscore: 'underscore'
    'underscore-awesomer': 'underscore-awesomer.js'

    underscore: 'vendor/underscore-1.2.1.js'
    'underscore-awesomer': 'underscore-awesomer.js'

In this example, two bundles will be created:

  1. test/packaging/build/bundle-latest.js - will include underscore from an npm install and underscore-awesomer.js from the current working directory.

  2. test/packaging/build/bundle-legacy.js - will include underscore from the vendor directory and underscore-awesomer.js from the current working directory.

Also, there are some additional bundling options:

  1. _publish - this calls require(module_name) and assigns the result to a symbol on window (browser) or globals (server). This is useful when using a bundle on the client where libraries expect dependent symbols to be defined on window.

  2. _alias - this calls require(module_name) and re-defines it under a new, aliased module name. This is useful is you want to replace a loaded module in a library. For example, you can replace underscore with Lo-Dash in Backbone.js.

  3. _load - this calls require(module_name) to ensure the module is loaded when the bundle is loaded.

Examples (CoffeeScript config file):

module.exports =
    lodash: 'lodash'
    backbone: 'backbone'
    'backbone-articulation': 'backbone-articulation'

      underscore: 'lodash'
      _: 'underscore'
      Backbone: 'backbone'

Of course, this example could be simplified as:

module.exports =
    underscore: 'lodash'
    backbone: 'backbone'
    'backbone-articulation': 'backbone-articulation'

      _: 'underscore'
      Backbone: 'backbone'

Release Notes


  • initial release

Building the library


  1. install node.js: http://nodejs.org
  2. install node packages: 'npm install'


Look at: https://github.com/kmalakoff/easy-bake