1.0.6 • Published 1 year ago

module-federation-types-plugin v1.0.6

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1 year ago

Module Federation Types Plugin

Typing your microfrontends created with the Webpack Module Federation is easy! 🎉


This webpack plugin types the Webpack Module Federation microfrontends.

The plugin merges type declaration files (.d.ts) from common microfrontend modules, specified in the exposes object for the ModuleFederation plugin and created with the generated ts-loader (see configuration settings below), into one declaration file.

In addition, the plugin allows you to upload type declaration files (.d.ts) from the specified URLs to the microfrontends, in the remotes object for the ModuleFederation plugin.


nameStringrequired optionName of your app (like name option in ModuleFederation)
outDirStringtypesThe path where the generated type declaration file will be saved in the project build folder (for the current application)
exposesObjectundefinedThe object exposes the entities you are sharing (like exposes option in ModuleFederation)
remotesObjectundefinedThe object remotes with url adreses to remoteEntry files of your microfrontends (like remotes option in ModuleFederation)
remoteTypesDirString../../src/microfrontends/typesThe path to which the type declarations (.d.ts) files of your microfronts specified in the remotes option will be downloaded
clearOnStartStringundefinedThe path to the folder to be delete before build
clearOnEndStringundefinedThe path to the folder to be delete after the build

Example configuration:

In host app:

import ModuleFederationTypesPlugin from 'module-federation-types-plugin'

const appName = 'app'
const exposes = {
  './component': './src/component',
  './component_2': './src/component_2'
} // ModuleFederationTypesPlugin generate one file with types declaration for your exposes modules
const remotes = export const prodRemotes = {
  app1: 'app1@',  // ModuleFederationTypesPlugin download app1.d.ts file from this URL
  app2: 'app2@' // ModuleFederationTypesPlugin download app2.d.ts file from this URL

  module: {
    rules: {
      test: /\.tsx?$/,
      exclude: /node_modules/,
      use: [
          loader: 'ts-loader',
          options: {
            compilerOptions: {
              declaration: true, // generate type declaration files for all project
              declarationDir: 'types', // This folder with generated .d.ts files for all project may be delete with option clearOnStart in ModuleFederationTypesPlugin after build
  plugins: [
    new ModuleFederationPlugin({
      name: appName,
      filename: 'remoteEntry.js',
      exposes: exposes,
      remotes: remotes,
    new ModuleFederationTypesPlugin({
      name: appName,
      outDir: `./types`,
      exposes: exposes,
      remotes: remotes,
      remoteTypesDir: './src/types',
      clearOnStart: 'build',
      clearOnEnd: 'types',
// ...

After build

build/types folder (generated .d.ts file)

  // build/types/app.d.ts
  declare module "app/component" {
    //... component types

  declare module "app/component_2" {
    //... component_2 types

src/types folder (downloaded .d.ts files)
