0.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

module-harvest v0.0.2

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9 years ago

Module Harvest

Build Status js-standard-style

I've invented something dubbed module harvesting. It's a method of automated Node.js module creation. What does that mean?

Do you ever find yourself creating a project and needing to use functions you've already built in other projects? If the functions are a couple of lines long you can find yourself copying and pasting them in your project every time you use them. Why didn't you put it on NPM the first time? We're told that monolithic apps are bad, but they need to take shape that way, then down the road your supposed to refactor. I absolutely hate this paradigm. The reason you didn't put it that three line function on npm the first time is because there's way to much overhead in creating the repo, publishing, documentation, tests, and setting dependencies. Module Harvesting is here to help.

Here's a great quote from substack.

If some component is reusable enough to be a module then the maintenance gains are really worth the overhead of making a new project with separate tests and docs. Splitting out a reusable component might take 5 or 10 minutes to set up all the package overhead but it's much easier to test and document a piece that is completely separate from a larger project. When something is easy, you do it more often.

The question I wanted to address was "What if there was no overhead?".

The Details

A file is provided to the terminal command for instance, the following code is what I used to harvest module-harvest itself.

module-harvest ./module-harvest.js

This code does a myriad of things. Here's the rundown of the most important.

  • Creates a local_modules directory in the root folder.
  • Creates a new module dir local_modules/module-harvest
  • Tracks down related files (ex. README.md, LICENCE, .gitignore) that might exist and hard links them (ln) to the new
  • Tracks down related local javascript files (ex. ./module-harvest.js, ./bin/module-harvest.js)
  • Recursively tracks down local javascript file(s) that are used
  • Recursively tracks down all related test javascript files (ex. ./tests/module-harvest.js)
  • Optionally will create a new github repo with the name module-harvest
  • Optionally will commit init code to the new repo

At the end of which I have a folder that looks like this

thomas@workstation:local_modules$ tree -I node_modules
└── module-harvest
    ├── arr-extract.js
    ├── assimilate.js
    ├── bin
    │   └── module-harvest.js
    ├── faux-project.js
    ├── github-create-repo.js
    ├── module-harvest.js
    ├── package-deps.js
    ├── package.json
    ├── promise-props-series.js
    ├── readme.md
    ├── recursive-deps.js
    ├── test
    │   ├── arr-extract.js
    │   ├── data-project-definitions.js
    │   ├── package-deps.js
    │   ├── promise-props-series.js
    │   └── recursive-deps.js
    └── test-chdir-temp.js

You can see that it it takes in the file module-harvest.js and from there extracts all of it's local deps shown here:

# root files
# deps

Then module-harvest takes all of these files and checks for test files. And finds these:


The Settings

module-harvest's settings are completely customizable, however there is a set of defaults that, by default you append to, an option to overwrite all the defaults is available as well. Because everyone has such a different way of crafting their node modules I wanted to cake in as much support for versatility as possible (also I change my mind a lot).

Because the options are so complex a harvest.config.js file can be used at the root of the project to provied module-harvest with arguments.

module-harvest - Harvest pieces of npm module from single file.
  reggi <file>                      Build module.
  reggi --help | -h                 Shows this help message.
  reggi --version | -v              Show package version.
  --moduleFile | --file             Javascript file to build into module.
  --moduleName | --name             Name of the module. (default: moduleFile name || jsdoc module def name)
  --moduleDesc | --desc             Description of the module (default: jsdoc module def summary || jsdoc module def desc)
  --packageSrc | --package | --pkg  Path to supermodule package.json file
  --localModulesDirName             Path to where local modules will build.
  --directory                       Path to directory (defaults: "./")
  --buildLinks                      Array of src, [src], or [src, dst] hard link definitions, from "./" to `local_module`.
  --trackDeps                       Array of src, [src] javascript definitions, from "./" to `local_module`.
  --trackDevDeps                    Function returning array of src, [src] javascript testdefinitions, from "./" to `local_module`.
  --postBuildReverseLinks           Array of src, [src], or [src, dst] hard link definitions, from `local_module` to "./".
  --githubAccessToken               Github access token
  --githubRepoPrefix                Github repo prefix (ex: "node-")
  --preventMerge                    Boolean option for prevent default merge options.

All of which have a 1:1 relationship with the module function.

var moduleHarvest = require('./module-harvest')
moduleHarvest(moduleFile, moduleName, moduleDesc, moduleVersion, packageSrc, localModulesDirName, directory, buildLinks, trackDeps, trackDevDeps, postBuildReverseLinks, githubAccessToken, githubRepoPrefix, preventMerge)


Here's an example what this might look like in harvest.config.js, in fact this is the default. Unless the preventMerge argument is true, these options are used. If you add your own optios you append to these. There's no harm in having links to possible files that don't exist.

var path = require('path')
module.exports = function (file) {
  return {
    'buildLinks': [
      // src (CWD), destination (./local_modules/<my-module>/)
      ['.gitignore-harvest', '.gitignore'],
      ['.npmignore-harvest', '.npmignore'],
      ['docs/' + file.name + '.md', 'README.md'],
      ['docs/general.md', 'README.md'],
      ['.travis.yml'], // backup if specific doesn't exist
      ['packages/package-' + file.name + '.json', 'package.json']
    'trackDeps': [
      // javascript files can't change name so no array
      path.join('bin', file.format)
    'trackDevDeps': function (file) {
      // this is a function because devDeps are tracked for
      // each `trackDeps` and all other `required` local modules
      // all possible conventions for test
      return [
        path.join('test', file.format),
        path.join('test', file.format)
    'postBuildReverseLinks': [
      // src (./local_modules/<my-module>/), destination (CWD)
      ['package.json', 'packages/package-' + file.name + '.json']

Note here that trackDevDeps is a function not an array. This is because as mentioned earlier a module can have many local file references. The trackDevDeps function is run recursively for every local file found in the tree.

Note: You can also set variables from a static harvest.config.json file.


If your smart you might have realized that theres a nefarious githubAccessToken argument. This can't go in a publicly used place so you can use a harvest.secret.json file that looks like this.

  "githubAccessToken": <github-token>

You'll wanna add harvest.secret.json to your .gitignore file.

Note: You can also set variables from a static harvest.secret.json file.

Module Specific Variables Using JSDoc @module

For module specific settings, specifically package.json contents you're not gonna be able to pass them in via command line every time. So I caked in JSDoc support. Let's start with an example.

 * :corn: Build a module from a single javascript file.
 * @module module-harvest
 * @package.keywords dependency, dependencies, build, package.json, harvest, module
 * @package.preferGlobal
 * @package.repository.type git
 * @package.repository.url https://github.com/reggi/node-module-harvest

This comment block is in the beginning of ./module-harvest.js it sets some stuff that will be used by module-harvest. You can see that there are @package declarations this isn't valid to JSDoc this is specific to module-harvest, upon running this, the @package. calls will be formed into an object and placed into package.json so if you want to specify a unique script.test or version the package will be created with it here.

NOTE: If @packge.private is set this will prevent the github repo creation & init git commit + push & npm publish. It will still allow the module to be created.

Life After the Initial Build

Maintaining File State

Maintaining file state is high priority after the initial build of a module. It's apparent that the hard links alone will not cut it there's gonna need to be a watch script that builds the module(s) whenever a dependency is saved. The problem with that is, without having a map of which local files being used in which project I'd have to build every module, every time something is saved. The map would help a ton, even when a module doesn't yet require() it. Because a file that is already connected to a module would need to be updated to include it, at which time module-harvest would run and the new file would be added to the map watch list. An expected --watch and -w flag would be appropriate.

Maintaining Multiple Git Repos with gitslave

gitslave is a lovely piece of software that makes it possible to use one supermodule like reggi/node-reggi and distribute of the packages modules from there. Lets say you change a dependency ./arr-camelize.js and three of your local_modules are using it, because it's linked (and ideally theres a watch script invloved) when it's time to commit the code across all of the four repos (including the supermodule) you can commit the change to all the repos using the following command, note that gits is used here instead of git.

gits add -A
gits commit -m "updated arr-camelize"
gits push

Future Features


Something that I find the need for more and more are hooks, ideally in the style of npm. Something like prebuild and postbuild. Right now this can all be done with a more complex command.

# prebuild
# adds a TOC to a readme file
jsdoc2md <docs>
doctoc ./docs --github


I'd love the ability to write code using es6 and have my modules get rendered out in es5. I haven't started writing my modules in es6 just yet, so I'm not exactly keen on it's challenges. But this feature is something to keep in mind.

lib as Root

A lot of people organize their files by setting a lib folder and all the single files live within there instead of the root directory. module-harvest fully supports a main file within a lib dir ./lib. So module-harvest ./lib/alpha.js would create a module alpha with the file in the folder lib/alpha.js. Part of why I created module-harvest is because I value consistency across how modules are created, it makes code easier to write.

I have two main problems using lib. The first is that in most cases it's creating a main file is referenced straight to a file in a dir, there's no root module index.js or alpha.js file. The second is that when if you want to call a from file within a module you have to call it requrie('reggi/lib/arr-camelize') instead of the much cleaner requrie('reggi/arr-camelize'). However module-harvest by nature solves both of these problems (kinda).

Another pro to not using lib and having all your files in root is that it allows them to be viewed easier on github.

The idea I had was what if you could customize the root, so lib could act as root for the newly created module, however this would add inconsistency between how modules operate, plus you would not be able to require anything one directory up from lib. To illustrate this:

# note the `lib` dir wasn't imported
/lib/hello.js -> /local_modules/hello/hello.js

This feature might be helpful if one wanted to organize their supermodule in a different way then the submodule. However I believe it adds in too many inconsistencies.

Changing source references from ./alpha to alpha

Currently if two modules share the same source they both link it into their projects. Which means that the source is duplicated, and not truly modularized. That shared source file get's created into a module too and there's no reason why the deps that use it can't legitimately install it as a module after it's been published.

In order to change this I'd need to stop using hard links and start copying files directly into the modules. I'd have to track down all the references to a local module call and change them to module calls.

For instance if the reference ./arr-extend.js was used and I'd need to map the location in the file string and convert it to arr-extend (if placed on npm or github). This of course would alter the source code.

Getting a New Module Up and Running

Command Line

# creates github repo `reggi/node-module-bin`
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ ./bin/module-bin.js ./github-create-repo.js <github-access-token> node-module-bin --type=promise
.. response from github
# harvests `module-bin`
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ ./bin/module-harvest.js ./module-bin.js
# init's the new repo
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ git -C ./local_modules/module-bin/ init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/thomas/Desktop/labratory/node-reggi/local_modules/module-bin/.git/
# add all files
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ git -C ./local_modules/module-bin/ add -A
# commit initial
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ git -C ./local_modules/module-bin/ commit -m 'init'
[master (root-commit) 130b8aa] init
 4 files changed, 174 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 bin/module-bin.js
 create mode 100644 module-bin.js
 create mode 100644 package.json
 create mode 100644 test/module-bin.js
# add the github origin repo
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ git -C ./local_modules/module-bin/ remote add origin https://github.com/reggi/node-module-bin.git
# push the module
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ git -C ./local_modules/module-bin/ push origin master

Then it seems the only way to continue is to remove the new module and clone it again with gits attach.

thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ rm -rf ./local_modules/module-bin
thomas@workstation:node-reggi$ gits attach https://github.com/reggi/node-module-bin.git local_modules/module-bin
Cloning into 'local_modules/module-bin'...

At the end of all this, you have a slave repo to the superproject and evey thing is in-sync.

gitslave + module-harvest

I've created this super-project reggi/node-reggi which contains javascript files.

Consequently, one of these files is called ./module-harvest.js, it's executable counterpart ./bin/module-harvest.js takes a javascript file as an argument and will build that file into a proper npm javascript module by tracking down it's dependencies and building a package.json file. When module-harvest consumes itself in the case of running the following command.

./bin/module-harvest.js ./module-harvest.js --desc=':corn: Harvests package dependencies and builds module from file.'`

This command creates the module ./local_modules/module-harvest.

If you have a harvest.json file present in the working directory, as I do, and it contains a github access token / prefix, the command will also create the repo and commit it to github. (these options can also be added to the command)

Here it is:


Now if you run the following its up on npm.

cd ./local_modules/module
npm publish

And it seems that if I want it to be apparent of gitslave for the project that I need to do this.

rm -rf ./local_modules/module-harvest.js
gits attach https://github.com/reggi/node-module-harvest.js.git local_modules/module-harvest.js