1.0.4 • Published 10 years ago

moemachine v1.0.4

Weekly downloads
Last release
10 years ago


Download anime with ease.

How to use

Install moemachine

npm i -g https://github.com/EaterOfCode/moemachine

Then run moemachine with the title

moemachine "Log Horizon"

This will give you an option menu in which you can select a certain release.

After having selected one it will be added to your transmission client.


pport=9091Port where transmission is running at
Hhost=localhostHost where transmission is running at
aauthAuthenitcation string for transission given in user:pass
ttypeOnly accept results from a cetrain type (batch or eps)
bbestSkip manual pick and do what's best for me
qqaulityOnly accept results from certain qaulity
ggroupOnly accept results from certain grup
PpathPath to save downloaded files at (for eps it will be downloaded in a folder with the title as name)
hhelpShow help
sstrictOnly strict matches are used (recommend for full automated adding)
SscoresShow scores with explaination
cconfigLoad config from alternative path (default is ~/.moemachine)
TtrackerAdd several trackers to the given torrent


On default the config is gracefully loaded from ~/.moemachine

	"port":9091, // port where transmission is running at
	"host":"localhost", // host transmission is running at
	"auth": false, // Authenitcation string for transission given in user:pass 
	"path": false, // Path to save downloaded files
	"scores":{ // Edit the scores from certain tests
		"IS_DEAD": -10, 
		"IS_DYING": -1,
		"IS_FAMOUS": 2,

Supported groups

  • HorribleSubs
  • DeadFish
  • Coalgirls
  • Commie
  • Cthune
  • Cthuko

If you want one added, please create an issue with a link to the nyaa.se user