0.0.3 • Published 11 years ago

mokjs v0.0.3

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11 years ago

Mok JS

Mok JS is the JavaScript mocking library that loves JavaScript. Mok JS is created for use in Node JS. For the browser, use the file exports/mok.js

Creating a mock

	function aFunc(){

	var aFuncMock = mok(aFunc);
	aFuncMock(); //aFunc will not be called
	aFuncMock.calls; // 1, the number of times it's been called

	var anObject = {
		field: 1313,
		func: function(){

	var anObjectMock = mok(anObject);
	anObjectMock.field; // 1313 - copies fields
	anObjectMock.func(); //anObject.func will not be called
	anObjectMock.func.calls //1, the number of times it's been called

Attaching to Object and Function prototype

Things get way easier if you just attach mok() to the prototypes.


	var funcMock = function(){
	//funcMock is a mocked version of the function

	var objectMock = {
		field: 1313,
		func: function(){
	//objectMock is a mocked version of the object

The rest of this readme will assume that you did just that.

Creating a spy / calling the real method

To call the real method, just set callRealFunction to true:

	var called = false;
	var funcMock = function(){
		called = true;
	funcMock.callRealFunction = true;

	funcMock(); //sets called to true
	funcMock.calls; //still increments the number of calls like a regular mock

Returning a value

To force the mock to return a specific value, just set the oncall:

	var funcMock = function(){}.mok();
	funcMock.oncall = 'my return value';
	funcMock(); // => 'my return value' (couldn't resist lining these up :D)

If oncall is a function, that function will be called with the arguments and this pointer intact. The return value will be returned from the mock:

	var funcMock = function(){}.mok();
	funcMock.oncall = function(arg1, arg2, etc){
		return 'asdf';
	funcMock('some arg'); // => 'asdf'

If there is an oncall and callRealFunction is true, the value or result of oncall overrides the return value of the real function.

Mocking a constructor function

You can mock a constructor function by using the cmok function:

function Const(){
	this.afunc = function(){};
Const.prototype.pfunc = function(){};

function MockConst = Const.cmok();
var mock = new MockConst();

The mocked version of the constructor will create an object with mocked functions as its members. To get at these functions, use mprototype:

MockConst.mprototype.afunc.calls //returns the number of calls the function has received from ALL instances created
MockConst.mprototype.pfunc.oncall = function(){} //functions on the prototype are also mocked

Mockito to MokJS mapping

Familiar with the Mockito style? No problem:


when(mock).aMethod().thenReturn("some value");</td>


mock.aMethod.oncall = 'some value'


when(mock).aMethod("this arg").thenReturn("another value")

MokJS: Use the oncall function -

mock.aMethod.oncall = function(arg){
	if (arg === 'this arg')
		return 'another value';




assert(mock.method.calls, 1, 'method was called once')


verify(mock).method('a value')

MokJS: Again, use the oncall:

var foundArg = 0;
mock.method.oncall = function(arg){
	if (arg === 'a value')


assert(foundArg, 1, 'method called with argument 1 time');

To do

  • Count/track the number of instantiations of a mocked constructor
  • Add a way to call the real function from the oncall
  • Add a way to mock an object-function (a function that also has fields and methods)
  • Add a when/then call chain? (Not needed, IMHO).