0.1.2 • Published 12 years ago

mongo-auth v0.1.2

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12 years ago


User authentication and CRUD routines for express.

To install: npm install mongo-auth

NPM Dependencies: bcrypt

Express dependencies: session handling with mongodb as the session store (eg: connect-session-mongo)
request.sessionStore should exist and should contain an object named _db

To use: Pass a configuration object to mongo-auth otherwise defaults will be used.

//simple example 
var auth = require('mongo-auth');    //use default field configuration

//...this section should include middleware for session, cookieParser, bodyParser, etc...

app.post('/login', auth.checkLogin);    

app.all('*', function(request, response, next) {   //everything below this route requires login    
   if ((request.session && request.session.loggedin)) {    
   } else {    

app.post('/create/user/:id', function(request, response) {    
   auth.setUser(request.sessionStore, request.params.id, {"email": request.body.email, "password": request.body.password});    

app.get ('/user/:id', function(request, response) {    
   auth.getUser(request.sessionStore, request.params.id, function(err, user) {response.end('user data\n' + JSON.stringify(user));});

//detailed example    
var auth = require('mongo-auth')({  "db": {  "collection": "users", 
                                             "userField": "name",
                                             "passField": "password"},

                                    "browser": {"userField": "userID",
                                                "passField": "password"},

                                    "response": {  "success": "success",
                                                   "failure": "invalid username or password",
                                                   "error": "auth error"},

                                    "bcryptCycles": 10

app.post('/login', auth.checkLogin); //sets request.session.loggedin = [true/false]
app.get('/createTestUser', function(request, response) {
   auth.setUser(request.sessionStore, 'testuser', {"email": "test@test.com"}, function(err, user) {
      if (err) {console.log('error testing user:\n' + err); response.end('error'); return;}
      if (user === null) {response.end('user deleted'); return;}
      response.end(' user has been set\n' + JSON.stringify(user));

app.get('/fetchTestUser', function(request, response) {
   auth.getUser(request.sessionStore, 'testuser', function(err, user) {
      if (err) {console.log('error testing user:\n' +err); response.end('error'); return;}
      if (user === null) {response.end('user not found'); return;}



Compares browser username and password against the configured mongodb collection. If a match is found, request.session.loggedin is set to true and a browser response is sent back.

If the options.response message begins with / then response.redirect(message) is called.
Otherwise response.end(message) is called.

For example if options.response.success = '/LoggedIn.html' then a successful login will redirect to '/LoggedIn.html'.
If options.response.success = 'success' (default) then the browser will simply receive a 'success' message in plain text.
This option is intended to be used with an AJAX call from the browser to the login url.

Internal errors will be logged to console - response will be a redirect or a plain text error message depending on options.response.error.

auth.setUser(store, user, fields, callback)

Create a new user, modify fields for an existing user, or delete an existing user.

store - The session store (i.e. request.sessionStore - should contain _db)
user - The name of the target user
fields - null to delete the user, or an object containing the field names and values (eg: {"email": "me@localhost.com", "password": "secret"}) -- If one of the fields passed is the configured options.db.passField its value will be encrypted.
callback(err, user) - A callback that will be called after setUser attempts to complete its work.
- err will contain an error message if an error ocurred otherwise null.
- user will contain the new user document as an object, or null if the user was removed.

auth.getUser(store, user, callback)

Retrieve a user document

store - The session store (i.e. request.sessionStore - should contain _db)
user - The name of the target user
callback(err, user) - A callback that will be called after getUser attempts to complete its work.
- err will contain an error message if an error ocurred otherwise null.
- user will contain the new user document as an object, or null if the user was not found.


12 years ago


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12 years ago