1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

mongodb-reaction-role v1.1.0

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3 years ago

Discord Mongodb-reaction-role

A lightweight managing package to save/add/remove reaction roles and save them in a db. Intelligent saving ways to lower traffic up to 90% and prevent multipy fetches. This Package can be used for large bots too!

If you need help feel free to join our discord server. We will provied you all help ☺


You can download it from npm:

npm i mongodb-reaction-role
npm i mongoose  // when u did not installed it

Setting Up

First we include the module into the project (into your main bot file). Intent must me enabled. See more here

const react = require("mongodb-reaction-role");
const client = new Discord.Client({
	autoReconnect: true,
}); // this is required to get the messages of the reaction roles
client.react = new Map();  // do not rename here something, or else Dx // save all msg id, role id
client.fetchforguild = new Map() //it will be saved, if the reaction roles were fetched from db

After that, you have to provide a valid mongodb url and set the default prefix.

react.setURL("mongodb://..."); //builts a connection with the db

Fetching Reaction Roles/ Add Role

Following examples assume that your Discord.Client is called client.

client.on('messageReactionAdd',async  (reaction  , user ) => {
  if (user.partial) await user.fetch();
  if (reaction.partial) await reaction.fetch();
  if (reaction.message.partial) await reaction.message.fetch();
    let rolefetch = await react.fetchrr(client, reaction.message.guild.id ,reaction.message.id , reaction.emoji.name);
    if(!rolefetch) return;
    let member = await reaction.message.guild.members.cache.get(user.id)
       await member.roles.add(rolefetch.roleid)
       console.log(`Role on ${reaction.emoji.name} has been given`)

Remove Role

client.on('messageReactionRemove',async  (reaction, user) => {
 if (user.partial) await user.fetch();
 if (reaction.partial) await reaction.fetch();
 if (reaction.message.partial) await reaction.message.fetch();
 let rolefetch = await react.fetchrr(client, reaction.message.guild.id ,reaction.message.id , reaction.emoji.name);
 if(!rolefetch) return;
 let member = await reaction.message.guild.members.cache.get(user.id)
  await member.roles.remove(rolefetch.roleid)
  console.log(`Role on ${reaction.emoji.name} has been given`)

Create/Delete a Reaction Role

if(command === "createrr"){ /// you can use your command handler to, but look that you overgive the parameters client, message
///await react.createrr(client, message.guild.id ,"message.id" , "roleid" , "emoji");
/// !createrr <message.id> <roleid> <emoji>
if(!args[0] || !args[1] || !args[2]) return message.channel.send("Pls provide the arguments. ex: `!createrr <message.id> <roleid> <emoji>`")
await react.createrr(client, message.guild.id ,args[0] , args[1] , args[2], "false"); //the last field is : if the person should be dm
message.channel.send("Successfully created the reaction role!")
if(command === "deleterr"){ 
/// await react.deleterr(client, message.guild.id ,"message.id" , "emoji");
/// !deleterr <message.id> <emoji> 
if(!args[0] || !args[1]) return message.channel.send("Pls provide the arguments. ex: `!deleterr <message.id> <emoji>`")
await react.deleterr(client, message.guild.id ,args[0] , args[1]);
message.channel.send("Successfully deleted the reaction role!")
if(command === "editrr"){
///await react.createrr(client, message.guild.id ,"message.id" , "roleid" , "emoji");
/// !editrr <message.id> <new.roleid> <emoji>
if(!args[0] || !args[1] || !args[2]) return message.channel.send("Pls provide the arguments. ex: `!editrr <message.id> <new.roleid> <emoji>`")
await react.editrr(client, message.guild.id ,args[0] , args[1] , args[2]);
message.channel.send("Successfully edited the reaction role!")

Whole Code

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { prefix, token , url } = require('./config.json');
const react = require("mongodb-reaction-role");
const client = new Discord.Client({
	autoReconnect: true,
}); // this is required to get the messages of the reaction roles

client.react = new Map();  // do not rename here something, or else Dx // save all msg id, role id
client.fetchforguild = new Map() // it will be saved, if the reaction roles were fetched from db
//// Add this
client.once('ready', () => {

client.on('messageReactionAdd',async  (reaction  , user ) => {
  if (user.partial) await user.fetch();
  if (reaction.partial) await reaction.fetch();
  if (reaction.message.partial) await reaction.message.fetch();
    let rolefetch = await react.fetchrr(client, reaction.message.guild.id ,reaction.message.id , reaction.emoji.name);
    if(!rolefetch) return;
    let member = await reaction.message.guild.members.cache.get(user.id)
       await member.roles.add(rolefetch.roleid)
       console.log(`Role on ${reaction.emoji.name} has been given`)

client.on('messageReactionRemove',async  (reaction, user) => {
  if (user.partial) await user.fetch();
  if (reaction.partial) await reaction.fetch();
  if (reaction.message.partial) await reaction.message.fetch();
 let rolefetch = await react.fetchrr(client, reaction.message.guild.id ,reaction.message.id , reaction.emoji.name);
 if(!rolefetch) return;
 let member = await reaction.message.guild.members.cache.get(user.id)
  await member.roles.remove(rolefetch.roleid)
  console.log(`Role on ${reaction.emoji.name} has been given`)

client.on('message', async message => {
    if (message.author.bot) return;
//add this
/// add this
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

if(command === "createrr"){ /// you can use your command handler to, but look that you overgive the parameters client, message
///await react.createrr(client, message.guild.id ,"message.id" , "roleid" , "emoji");
/// !createrr <message.id> <roleid> <emoji>
if(!args[0] || !args[1] || !args[2]) return message.channel.send("Pls provide the arguments. ex: `!createrr <message.id> <roleid> <emoji>`")
await react.createrr(client, message.guild.id ,args[0] , args[1] , args[2], "false"); /// the last field is : if the person should be dm
message.channel.send("Successfully created the reaction role!")
if(command === "deleterr"){ 
/// await react.deleterr(client, message.guild.id ,"message.id" , "emoji");
/// !deleterr <message.id> <emoji> 
if(!args[0] || !args[1]) return message.channel.send("Pls provide the arguments. ex: `!deleterr <message.id> <emoji>`")
await react.deleterr(client, message.guild.id ,args[0] , args[1]);
message.channel.send("Successfully deleted the reaction role!")
if(command === "editrr"){
///await react.createrr(client, message.guild.id ,"message.id" , "roleid" , "emoji");
/// !editrr <message.id> <new.roleid> <emoji>
if(!args[0] || !args[1] || !args[2]) return message.channel.send("Pls provide the arguments. ex: `!editrr <message.id> <new.roleid> <emoji>`")
await react.editrr(client, message.guild.id ,args[0] , args[1] , args[2]);
message.channel.send("Successfully edited the reaction role!")
if(command === "rrstats"){
const stats = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Reaction roles stats")
.addField("Reaction roles found:" , "```" + client.react.size + " reaction roles" + "```")
.addField("Fetched Server:" , "```" + client.fetchforguild.size  + "```")
return message.channel.send(stats)

Is time for you to use the code creative..


See if the reaction on the message id exist as reaction role or when not fetched in the db

let fetch = await react.fetchrr(client, reaction.message.guild.id ,reaction.message.id , reaction.emoji.name);
//undefined || or gives a map entry ==> fetch.roleid, fetch.messageid , fetch.reaction, fetch.guildid , fetch.dm

Fetch all reaction roles and save them in a map (just use this for stats not for the reaction event)

await react.fetchallrr(client); 

Have fun and feel free to contribute/suggest or contact me on my discord server or per dm on Meister#9667

Bugs, Glitches and Issues

If you encounter any problems fell free to open an issue in our github repository or join the discord server..