1.0.2 • Published 6 months ago

mongoose-silo v1.0.2

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Last release
6 months ago

mongoose-silo eases the creation of multi-tenant apps by providing a wrapper around mongoose that handles the multi-tenancy for you. It works by siloing your data accross seperate databases, one per each tenant.


  • Singleton class Silo, that manages the database context (tenant aware)
  • Swappable tenant model; call it anything eg. Admin, Org, etc.
  • Route middleware to create tenant-aware REST endpoints using tenantify or singlify.
  • Middleware and primitives to handle the tenant context
  • CLI tool to seed fixture data across all tenants


  • Following excerpts demonstrate the core functionality of mongose-silo:
// Initialize `mongose-silo` with the main and tenant models
const silo = Silo.initialize('mydb', 'Admin', modelsPath)

// Switch to the database for tenant `tenantId`

// Obtains a connection to the current database 
db = () => silo.getCurrentODM()

// Create a mongo document for the current tenant
orgADashboard = db().model(“Dashboard”).create(…)
  • Use the CLI to seed fixtures into your models
# run seeders for a specific tenant
# `--tenant` here` is optional, if not provided, seeders will be run for all tenants
db:seed --seed <seed-name> --tenant <tenant-name> 

# run all seeders, either for all tenants or for a specific tenant


# Clone our repo
git clone https://github.com/techoutlooks/mongoose-silo \
  && DOWNLOAD_DIR="$PWD/mongoose-silo"

# Run following from your project dir
npm i --save $DOWNLOAD_DIR

# It is the responsibility of user code to export the Mongo db uri
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/leeram-erp?authSource=admin

Quick start

  1. Initialize mongose-silo, ideally in your models/index.js directory.
// models/index.js

const silo = Silo.initialize('mydb', 'Admin', modelsPath)

module.exports = {
  db: () => silo.getCurrentODM(),
  tenantify: tenantify(silo),
  singlify: singlify(silo)
  1. Define your models as usual, but don't register them with mongose.model(name, schema). The Silo.initialize() static factory inside mongose-silo walks your modelsPath directory, compiles your schemas, and registers them with every tenant database, automagically.
const Dashboard = mongoose.model('Dashboard', Schema({
  title: String }));

// THE CHANGE: instead of registering your model yourself, 
// simply expose your schema like so:
module.exports = { name: 'Dashboard', schema: yourSchema }
  1. That's all. Now, use your models.

Remember models/schemas were pulled up automatically from the modelsPath directory and compiled, when initializing the library. You need not importing mongoose anymore.

In your controllers, replace code that looks like:

  const mongoose = require('mongoose');
  const Org = mongoose.model('Org');


  const { silo, db, singlify } = require('@/models')
  const Org = db().model('Org');  // way 1
  const Org = db().Org;           // way 2

Full example:

const tenantId = 'orgA'
const { silo, db, singlify } = require('@/models/index')

await db().Dashboard.create({ 
  title: 'Org A - Weekly report' })

App routes

  • Regular route

This is meant for tenant-unaware REST calls; ie., GET with no X-Tenant-Id header, nor silo-tenant-id cookie set on the request. Below example, a trivial usecase, creates an org tenant. It uses the singlify middleware to create a route with multitenancy that:

  • inserts an org document in the main database,
  • registers models declared in the modelsPath directory per each tenant.
app.post('/org', tenantify, async (req, res) => {
  const { name, domain } = req.body

  const tenant = await silo.createTenant(domain)

  const org = await db().Org.create({
    name, domain

  • Tenant route

Use the tenantify middleware to switch the database context to the tenant identified in the request:

app.get('/dashboard', tenantify, async (req, res) => {
  const dashboards = await db().Dashboard.findAll()


6 months ago


6 months ago


7 months ago