1.0.0-alpha.3 • Published 4 years ago

monorepo-pm v1.0.0-alpha.3

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4 years ago

Monorepo (sub)Project Manager

A simple CLI to help you manage your Monorepo.

Quick Start

$ npm install --global monorepo-pm

$ monopm help

Usage: monopm [options] [command]

Monorepo (sub)Project Manager

  --debug                      show debug messages
  --force                      force dangerous operations (use with caution)
  --commit                     commit everything (even when not absolutely necessary)
  -h, --help                   output usage information

  add [options] <path> [url]   add, convert or import a project to the monorepo
  check [options] <directory>  check if <directory> has changed since the last release
  update <directory> [url]     update the remote "subtree" repo associated to <directory>
  mv <path> <newPath>          change a subtree prefix


monopm aim to be as generic, light, efficient and simple as possible.

  1. No need to reinvent the wheel: monopm use git branches and subtrees. That it!
  2. Keep your freedom: monopm helps you to better use git, but you can continue to use git as you're used to
  3. Good monorepos needs good commits: monopm helps you follow the conventional commits conventions and good practices in general


All commands must be executed from your monorepo. If you run it from a sub-directory of this monorepo, make sure to give a path that is absolute or relative to your current working directory.

:warning: Monopm steps through the parents of your current working directory to find the monorepo-spm.json configuration file and will consider its parent directory as the root of your monorepo.

If you have not yet added this file, it will consider the first git repository it finds (i.e. the first directory containing a .git folder) as a monorepo. Therefore, you will not be able to execute a command from a git submodule until you have generated or written a Monopm configuration file.


$ monopm add --help
Usage: monopm add <path> [url] [options]

add, convert or import a project to the monorepo

   <path>   path to the project directory
   [url]    subrepo origin url (default: submodule url or none)

Behavior depends on what the <path> directory contains and if you provided an [url] or not:
   1. if <path> is a submodule, it will be converted to a "subproject"
   2. if [url] is provided, the associated repository will be imported to the monorepo (overriding the submodule url)
   3. the project's data will be added to the configuration

  --name <name>  define project name and scope (default: submobule or directory name)
  --no-amend     do not amend commits for correction after automatic rewording
  -h, --help     output usage information


Convert the submodule in packages/foo, without editing commits messages after the automatic rewording, and using the url and name defined in .gitmodules:

monopm add packages/foo --no-amend

Add github.com:username/my-project into the projects/web/my-project directory, and record it under the name www (see configuration for more details).

monopm add projects/web/my-project git@github.com:username/my-project.git --name="www"


After adding your first subproject, a monorepo-pm.json file will be automatically created into your monorepo root directory.

  "projects" : [
      "name": "www",
      "url": "git@github.com:username/my-project.git",
      "directory": "projects/web/my-project"
      "name": "cmd",
      "url": "git@github.com:username/my-cmd-project.git",
      "directory": "scripts/cmd"

Some commands will use this file in order to make your life easier.