0.0.11 • Published 5 years ago
mooveit-library-fagsoft v0.0.11
Mooveit Library Fagsoft
The best, never seen, UI components library.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
These is all the dependencies you need to used this library.
"react": ">=16.8.0",
"react-dom": ">=16.8.0"
To install them, just run:
// with npm
npm install react
npm install react-dom
// with yarn
yarn add react
yarn add react-dom
Mooveit Library Fagsoft is available as an npm package.
// with npm
npm install mooveit-library-fagsoft
// with yarn
yarn add mooveit-library-fagsoft
Here is a quick example to get you started, it's all you need:
import {Button} from 'mooveit-library-fagsoft';
<Button text="Hello Moove It!" onClick={()=>alert('You have clicked on me!')} palette='primary' />
Running the tests
// with npm
npm run test
Break down into end to end tests
Each test will check components and their features / behaviors.
Built With
- Fabio A García S - Initial work - Fagsoft1
Mooveit Library Fagsoft has been created to complete a coding challenge. Is a project not only to achieve the goal of completing the code challenge but also a way to learn new things.