3.1.31 • Published 5 years ago

mopus v3.1.31

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Last release
5 years ago


Mopus is an open-source module bundler in the way of webpack, built specifically for the needs of another library : Nixy.

In comparison with Webpack, Mopus is extremely lightweight and considerably faster for small projects. Compiling your project becomes a matter of milliseconds.

Mopus has easy solutions for HMR (hot module resolution) and custom actions on module loading.

Mopus is still in beta version. If you find any bug, let me know ☺.


From the command line :

npm install -g mopus

Or, if you prefer to install it locally :

npm install mopus


You can use Mopus from the command line or with a Node project.

Like Webpack, Mopus uses a configuration file mopus.json. If the file is not present, default configuration will be used.

Using from the command line

If you've installed Mopus globally, make sure your global node modules path is added to your environment variables. To check if you can access mopus CLI, write in your console : mopus -v.

If you've installed Mopus locally, use npx : npx mopus -v.

To build your project, go to the folder with the mopus.json file and execute : mopus.

You can pass options :

mopus main.js -o output.js

will build using the main.js file as an entry point, and will write the result into the file output.js.

You can pass any option (except object and array options) by adding the prefix -- before the option name (example: --output). See the configuration section for the list of all the options available.

Using from a Node program

First, require Mopus :

const Mopus = require('mopus')

Then use it this way :

const mopus = new Mopus({
	entry: 'main.js',
	output: 'bundle.js',

This will compile using the main.js file as an entry point, and will write the result into the file bundle.js.

Getting the result as a String or a Buffer

If you don't want the output to be written in a file but instead get the result as a string, use the option outputType.

const Mopus = require('mopus')
const mopus = new Mopus({
	entry: 'main.js',
	output: 'myProject',
	outputType: 'string',  // 'file' | 'string' | 'buffer'. Default is 'file'.
let str = mopus.compile().myProject

Importing modules

You can import a module using the import statement or the usual require function (see here to learn how to use import).

Let's suppose we have two files main.js and Zabu.js in the same folder :

// main.js
import {Zabu} from './Zabu'  // the '.js' extension is unnecessary
new Zabu
// Zabu.js
export {Zabu}
class Zabu {
	constructor() {

Now let's compile our two files using the CLI : mopus main.js -o bundle.js

And let's execute it : node bundle.js

Then we should see the message Zabu! appearing.

Exporting values

For a better understanding, I advice to put the export statements at the very top of your file - even before the imports.

See here to learn how to use the export statement.

Having multiple projects

Mopus is perfect when you need to generate several bundles which share common files but use different configurations.

For example, you may need to compile two projects, the second one being a minified version of the first one :

// mopus.json
	"entry": "main.js",
	"projects": [
			"output": "bundle.js"
			"output": "bundle.min.js",
			"minify": true

Then, running mopus on the CLI will output two files : bundle.js and bundle.min.js.

If files are shared between different projects, they will only be parsed once by mopus.

Class fields

Class fields is a Javascript feature that will eventually come. For now, without a compiler like Babel or Typescript we need to declare all of our class fields in the constructor, preceded by a this.

Mopus naturally transform class fields into standard javascript. The following file :

class Point {
	static instances = 0
	x = 0
	y = 0
	constructor() {

will be transformed (and bundled) into :

class Point {
	constructor() {
		this.x = 0
		this.y = 0
Point.instances = 0

If you don't want Mopus to transform class fields, set the option processClassFields to false.


Global options

Global options cannot be assigned to a project object, only as a direct mopus option (common to every project).

See also the project options.

root-rString''The folder used as root. All modules paths will be resolved relatively to this.
projectsArray[]If you need different configurations that share some files, create a new project for every configuration.
rulesObject{}This option let you define the action to execute when a file is import-ed or require-d. See the rules section for more informations.
folderRulesObject{}This option let you define the right action when a folder is import-ed or require-d.
allowDynamicRequiresBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want to allow require with non-constant values.
externalModulesArraynullList of module names that won't be bundled.
allowImportExportEverywhereBooleanfalseSet to true if you want to be able to use import and export statements anywhere in the code.
allowReturnOutsideFunctionBooleantrueSet to false if you dont' want the possibility to use return outside a function.
logs-lBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want any log. Errors won't be caught.
logInputBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want the program to log every module loaded.
logOutputBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want the program to log every output file.
logTimersBooleanfalseSet to true if you want to log timers results.
logErrorsBooleantrueSet to false if you want to catch errors yourself instead of displaying in the console.
globstarBooleanfalseSet to true if you want to use the ** globstar pattern matcher in module resolution.

Project options

Project options can be used specifically in a project object, or as a global option that will apply to every project (if not overwritten by another project option).

output-oString'bundle'The name of the project. You can omit the '.js' part.
outputDirString''The directory the output files will be generated to.
outputType'file''string''buffer''file'If set to 'string' or 'buffer', no file will be generated. If set to 'buffer', the compilation result will be a buffer instead of a string.
entryspecialString or Array of strings'src'The entry file of your project. You can have multiple entry points.
entryDirString''The base directory of entry files.
input-iString''If you want to compile from a string instead of files, you can set the input value. It can be combined with entry to add custom code at the end of the program.
processRequires-reBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want Mopus to transform require calls.
processImports-imBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want Mopus to transform import statements.
processExports-exBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want Mopus to transform export statements.
processClassFields-cfBooleantrueSet to false if you don't want Mopus to transform class fields.
minify-mBooleanfalseSet to true to minify the output.
target-t'node''iso''iso'Set to 'node' if the output will be only used in Node environment. You will then be able to use dynamic requires, global node modules (like fs), and module constants like __dirname and __filename.
localDirnamesBooleantrueSet to false if you want __dirname and __filename to be relative to the output directory.
format-f'executable''module''executable'Set to 'module' if you want your import file not to be executed, but loaded as a module.
entryAsModuleBooleantrueSet to false for your entry files to be interpreted in global context instead of their own context. (Then imported files will be able to access variables defined in entry files).
exportEntriesBooleanfalseSet to true so that the values exported by your entry files will also be exported by the whole program.

Additional notes

Speed and minification

Mopus internally uses the excellent Butternut minifier by Richard Harris. Butternut is amongst the fastest minifiers, still minifying the output slow down the whole process. In the future, Mopus will closely integrates minification to its core to make it as light as a breeze.

If you care about achieving maximum speed, don't minify your project and disable logs.


Comments are automatically removed by Mopus. Most of the times they are not needed because the resulting bundle is made to be executed, not reverse-engineered.

Nonetheless there are cases when keeping comments is useful, so I plan to add support for comments.


Mopus does not produce sourcemaps yet. I don't plan to add sourcemaps support before the Javascript class fields proposal is live, because the most complex part about generating sourcemaps is to deal with class fields transformation.


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