2.1.0 • Published 5 months ago

more-mirrors v2.1.0

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5 months ago

More Mirrors

Censorship resilient and distributed publishing. This repository contains a collection of scripts and tools to help you run your own censorship resilient web services. We mostly use Service Workers to achieve this.


npm install more-mirrors

Table of contents

Getting started

To ensure smooth integration between our modules it is necessary to use the registerServiceWorkerController function. Make sure to include it in the options parameter when calling one of the modules, as illustrated below.

Inside your service worker:

import { registerBookmarkApi, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
registerBookmarkApi({ serviceWorkerController });

Individual modules can be configured by passing an object when calling the module function from your service worker. Next to that you can also configure all modules from one configuration file. You need to host that file on your server and pass the path of the file as a url parameter to your service worker registration path, as illustrated below.

From the client:

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
  window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    const configurationVersion = 1;
    const serviceWorkerUrl = `/service-worker.js?configuration=${encodeURIComponent(`/static/service-worker-configuration.json?v=${configurationVersion}`)}`;
      .then((registration) => registration.update())

Make sure to revision hash or version the configuration file, so that you can update it without having to update your service worker.

The configuration file should look like this, all modules are optional.

  "bookmark": {},
  "fallbackPages": {},
  "fallbackAssets": {}

For more information about the configuration options, see the documentation of the individual modules.


The default timeout for network requests is 3 seconds. To adjust this timeout, pass it as an option while creating the Service Worker Controller:

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController({
  networkTimeoutSeconds: 10,


We provide some API endpoints defined in the service worker to save pages for offline availability.

Inside your service worker:

import { registerBookmarkApi, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
registerBookmarkApi({ serviceWorkerController });

When your service worker is installed, you can now call the bookmark API, which is available at /more-mirrors/bookmark/.

GET /more-mirrors/bookmark/

Get all pages from the bookmark cache.


An array of bookmarked pages.

urlstringThe url of the bookmarked pagehtts://domain.org/path/to/the/page/
pathstringThe path of the bookmarked page/path/to/the/page/
htmlstringThe html of the bookmarked pagw<html><head><title>Page title</title></head><body>Page content</body></html>
metadataobjectOptional metadata of the bookmarked page.Passed when a page was bookmarked{ title: 'Page title' }
fetch('/more-mirrors/bookmark/', { method: 'GET' })
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(pages => {

GET /more-mirrors/bookmark/{path}

Get a single page from the bookmark cache. Where the path is a url encoded path.

200: A single bookmarked page.
urlstringThe url of the bookmarked pagehtts://domain.org/path/to/the/page
pathstringThe path of the bookmarked page/path/to/the/page
htmlstringThe html of the bookmarked page<html><head><title>Page title</title></head><body>Page content</body></html>
metadataobjectOptional metadata of the bookmarked page.Passed when a page was bookmarked{ title: 'Page title' }
404: The page was not found in the bookmark cache.
400: The path is not a valid url encoded path.
fetch('/more-mirrors/bookmark/%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fthe%2Fpage%2F', { method: 'GET' })
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(page => {

POST /more-mirrors/bookmark/{path}

Add a page to the bookmark cache. Where the path is a url encoded path.

Request body
metadataobjectOptional metadata for the bookmarked page.It can be anything you want as long as it is a valid object.{ title: 'Page title' }
fetch('/more-mirrors/bookmark/%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fthe%2Fpage%2F', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify({ metadata: { title: 'Page title' } }),

DELETE /more-mirrors/bookmark/{path}

Delete a page from the bookmark cache. Where the path is a url encoded path.

fetch('/more-mirrors/bookmark/%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fthe%2Fpage%2F', { method: 'DELETE' });

Fallback pages

We provide a fallback strategy for pages to use when the network is not available.

Inside your service worker:

import { registerFallbackPages, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
registerFallbackPages({ serviceWorkerController });

Calling registerFallbackPages is enough to get you started. It will render a default offline page whenever the network is not available. By default, it looks like this:

Screenshot of the default offline page.

This page is somewhat customizable, it has support for basic theming and the default UI texts can be overwritten. However, in case this is not enough, we also support custom offline pages:

import { registerFallbackPages, registerFallbackHandlersPlugin } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
  pages: [{
    url: '/my-offline-page/',
    revision: '1',

revision is not required, but it is highly recommended. Changing this value will cause a cache invalidation, which means we will re-cache the latest version.

⚠️ Please note that this module takes over the /more-mirrors/dashboard/ route regardless of the user's online status. The route is used to make the default offline page available for online users.

Pass an object with the following properties to the registerFallbackPages function:

serviceWorkerControllerSee Getting started for more information.truetrueServiceworkerController
pagesA single or a list of offline fallback pages.trueString \| Object \| Array-
languageThe language for the default offline page. The value will be used as a lang attribute on the HTML tag. See MDN for possible values.falseStringen
textDirectionThe text direction for the default offline page. The value will be used as a dir attribute on the HTML tag. Can be either ltr or rtl.falseStringltr
customPropertiesWill be used to overwrite the default styles of the default offline page. The full list of over writable values can be found below.falseObject{}
templateStringsWill be used to overwrite the default UI text strings of the default offline page. The full list of over writable values can be found below.falseObject{}


A list of all the over writable custom properties and their default values.

background-colorColor used as the page's background.#f9fbfc
border-colorColor used for stylistic borders and separators.#e6e8ec
card-background-colorColor used as the card's background.#ffffff
card-box-shadowBox shadow used by the cards, it can be removed by passing it a value of none.0px 8px 24px rgba(149, 157, 165, 0.2)
container-widthThe main container's max width.1200px
icon-colorColor used for the header's offline icon.#e6e8ec
primary-colorColor used for links, highlights, active & focus states, etc. Essentially, whenever we need to pull a user's attention to something.#1993f6
tab-text-colorColor used as the tab's primary text color (non-active state).#7a7d95
text-colorColor used as the primary text color.#2d2d3b


A list of all the over writable UI text strings and their default values.

pageTitlePage titleWoops, No Internet Connection
pageDescriptionPage descriptionPlease check your internet connection and try again.
homeLinkTextThe link text for the home link in the headerHome
bookmarksTabTitleThe title for the bookmarks tabBookmarks
editorialTabTitleThe title for the editorial(content bundles) tabEditorial
aboutTabTitleThe title for the about tabAbout
copyrightCopyrightCopyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()}. All rights reserved.
aboutInnerHTMLInner HTML used to render the about tab-

Default offline page with customization

import { registerFallbackPages, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
  customProperties: {
    'primary-color': 'blue',
  templateStrings: {
    pageTitle: 'My Offline Page',

Custom offline page

import { registerFallbackPages, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
  pages: [{
    url: '/my-offline-page/',
    revision: '1',

Multiple offline pages

For most cases, a single fallback is enough. However, we support an optional refererRegex property. This can, for example, be used to render a different fallback page for users who came from a search engine:

import { registerFallbackPages, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
  pages: [{
    url: '/my-offline-page/',
    revision: '1',
      url: "/google-search-offline-page/",
      revision: "1",
      refererRegex: "https://(www.)?(google).com/",

Fallback assets

We provide a fallback strategy for assets to use when the network is not available.

Inside your service worker:

import { registerFallbackAssets, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
  assets: [
      url: '/main.css',
      revision: '1',
      url: '/main.js',
      revision: '1',

revision is not required, but it is highly recommended. Changing this value will cause a cache invalidation, which means we will re-cache the latest version.

Pass an object with the following properties to the registerFallbackAssets function:

serviceWorkerControllerSee Getting started for more information.trueServiceworkerController
assetsA list of offline fallback assets.trueString \| Object \| Array

Content bundles

You can define a list of pages as content bundles to be cached by the service worker. These are pages that you want to be available offline.

Inside your service worker:

import { registerContentBundles, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
  pages: [
      url: '/content-bundle-1/',
      revision: '1',
      url: '/content-bundle-2/',
      revision: '1',
serviceWorkerControllerSee Getting started for more information.trueServiceworkerController
pagesA list of pages.trueString \| Object \| Array

Fallback image

We provide a fallback strategy for images, it returns a fallback SVG for uncached images.

Inside your service worker:

import { registerFallbackImage, registerServiceWorkerController } from 'censorship-resilience-helpers';

const serviceWorkerController = registerServiceWorkerController();
registerFallbackImage({ serviceWorkerController });

UI components

In addition to our modules, we offer a set of UI components that come in the form of web components. While these components may offer added functionality, their primary function is to provide an alternative approach to implementing our modules without requiring any JavaScript coding.

Bookmark button

The button displays the bookmark status of the related page - whether it is currently bookmarked or not. In addition, it enables users to bookmark or unbookmark the page with just a click. Please note that this button requires the bookmarking module to function properly.


Inside your HTML:

  remove-bookmark-text="Remove Bookmark"


Pass the following attributes to the bookmark-button component:

pathThe page's path.true-
bookmark-textThe label displayed when the page is not bookmarked.falseBookmark
remove-bookmark-textThe label displayed when the page is bookmarked.falseRemove Bookmark
metadata-titleOptional page metadata can be added to provide additional information about the page. This is also used by the default offline page to render the cards.false-
metadata-descriptionOptional page metadata can be added to provide additional information about the page. This is also used by the default offline page to render the cards.false-
metadata-image-srcOptional page metadata can be added to provide additional information about the page. This is also used by the default offline page to render the cards.false-
metadata-image-heightOptional page metadata can be added to provide additional information about the page. This is also used by the default offline page to render the cards.false-
metadata-image-widthOptional page metadata can be added to provide additional information about the page. This is also used by the default offline page to render the cards.false-


Use the following selector:

bookmark-button::part(button) {
  background-color: rebeccapurple;
  color: white;

Traffic light

The component displays the user's network status - it can either be online or offline.


Inside your HTML:

  online-text="You are online."
  offline-text="You are offline."


Pass the following attributes to the traffic-light component:

online-textThe label read out loud by screen readers when the user is online.falseOnline
offline-textThe label read out loud by screen readers when the user is offline.falseOffline
hrefThe URL that the hyperlink points to.false-
targetWhere to display the linked URL.false-
relThe relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types.false-


Use the following selectors:

traffic-light::part(button) {
  /* General button selector. */

traffic-light::part(online) {
  /* Online button selector. */

traffic-light::part(offline) {
  /* Offline button selector. */

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