1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago
mortgage-utils v1.1.0
This package houses mortgage specific utility functions that can be used in any mortgage related project/package.
This function parses a string with a {{ rate() }} tag. It fetches the daily rates from Mortech and replaces the rate tag with todays rates. This function is asyncronous, and projects using this function must have axios^0.21.1
const result = await parseDailyRatesTag(
'Todays rates are {{ rate(VA,30,low) }}',
result.parsedText // 'Todays rates are 2.25% (2.42% APR)'
result.rate // 2.25
Replaces a rate tag in a string with a span element with class 'tag-placeholder'
getPlaceholderForRatesTag('Rates as low as {{ rate(VA,30) }}')
// Rates as low as <span class='tag-placeholder'></span>% (<span class='tag-placeholder'></span>% APR)
4 years ago