2.1.0 • Published 8 years ago
most-request v2.1.0
Simple Most.js wrapper around superagent
Let me have it!
yarn add most-request
npm install --save most-request
request(options: RequestOptions): Stream<Response>
Creates a stream of Response, and upon subscription, will execute the specified request as defined by the given options and emit the Response.
import { request } from 'most-request';
request({ url: 'http://example.com', method: 'GET' })
.observe((response: Response) => {
The types used in the API section
export interface Response {
text: string;
body: any;
files: any;
header: any;
type: string;
charset: string;
status: number;
statusType: number;
info: boolean;
ok: boolean;
redirect: boolean;
clientError: boolean;
serverError: boolean;
error: Error;
accepted: boolean;
noContent: boolean;
badRequest: boolean;
unauthorized: boolean;
notAcceptable: boolean;
notFound: boolean;
forbidden: boolean;
xhr: XMLHttpRequest;
get(header: string): string;
export declare type HTTPMethod =
export interface RequestOptions {
url: string;
method: HTTPMethod;
query?: Object;
send?: Object;
headers?: Object;
accept?: string;
type?: string;
user?: string;
password?: string;
field?: Object;
progress?: boolean;
attach?: Array<Attachment>;
agent?: AgentOptions;
withCredentials?: boolean;
redirects?: number;
lazy?: boolean;
export interface Attachment {
name: string;
path: string;
filename?: string;
export interface AgentOptions {
key: string;
cert: string;