2.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

moxtra-bot-sdk v2.0.0

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7 years ago

Moxtra Bot SDK

npm David Packagist

Moxtra Bot SDK will ease and streamline the Bot development for Moxtra's business collaboration platform. The design allows developers to focus on application logic instead of APIs for sending and receiving data payload.

const MoxtraBot = require('moxtra-bot-sdk');

const bot = new MoxtraBot({
  client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
  api_endpoint: 'https://apisandbox.moxtra.com/v1'

bot.on('message', (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.comment.text;
  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`Echo: @${username} ${text}`);
Core ConceptsInstallationGetting StartedAccount LinkingDocumentationExamplesLicense

Core Concepts

  • Definitions:

    • Bot application (the 3rd party Bot) has a corresponding bot app configuration in Moxtra.
    • Each bot app is identified by client_id in the message event.
    • Bot app becomes a bot user (an org user) once the bot app is enabled in an org. This bot user is identified by org_id in the message event.
  • Bot lifecycle:

    • Partner Admin creates a bot app configuration via Partner Admin Console
    • An Org Admin enables this bot app via Org Admin Console or API, this bot app becomes a bot user inside this org. A bot_enabled event gets generated.
    • When the Org Admin disabled this bot app via Org Admin Console or API, a bot_disabled event gets generated.
    • Binder users of the same org as the binder owner can then add this bot user into the binder. A bot_installed event gets generated.
    • When the bot user leaves the binder, a bot_uninstalled event gets generated.
  • Each received message event has the corresponding binder_id, client_id, and org_id, which are encapsulated in the Chat object. Bot application can use client_id, org_id, and timestamp to generate a signature signed with client_secret to create a bot user access_token.

  • Each POST message event from Moxtra has x-moxtra-signature header set as HMA-SHA1 hash of the message content signed with client_secret

  • Different message event has the corresponding object in the event; however, the basic message structure remains the same. Below shows a Comment message event format:

  message_id: 'MESSAGE_ID',
  message_type: 'comment_posted',
  binder_id: 'BINDER_ID',
  client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
  org_id: 'ORG_ID',
  event: {
    timestamp: 'TIMESTAMP',
    user: {
      id: 'USER_ID',
      name: 'USERNAME'
    comment: {
      id: 'COMMENT_ID',
      text: 'TEXT MESSAGE',
      audio: 'AUDIO MESSAGE'    
    target: {
      id: 'BINDER_ID',
      object_type: 'binder'


$ npm install moxtra-bot-sdk --save

You can also check out Moxtra Bot SDK directly from Git. If you want to use the example code and included bots, it may be preferable to use Github over NPM.

git clone https://github.com/Moxtra/moxtra-bot-sdk-nodejs.git

Getting Started

  • After MoxtraBot is installed via NPM, create a new bot instance using your client_id and client_secret obtained from your Manage Bots in Partner Admin Console in the bot app creation.

  • Set correct API endpoint for different environment:

    Sandbox api_endpoint:'https://apisandbox.moxtra.com/v1'
    Production api_endpoint:'https://api.moxtra.com/v1'

const MoxtraBot = require('moxtra-bot-sdk');

const bot = new MoxtraBot({
  client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
  api_endpoint: 'https://apisandbox.moxtra.com/v1'
  • Subscribe to messages with the bot.on() method for various events: message, bot_enabled, bot_disabled, bot_installed, bot_uninstalled, postback, and account_link.
bot.on('message', (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.comment.text;
  console.log(`@${username} says ${text}`);

bot.on('bot_enabled', (chat) => {

  const bot_name = chat.bot.name;
  const org_id = chat.org_id;
  console.log(`Bot ${bot_name} enabled on ${org_id}`);  

bot.on('bot_disabled', (chat) => {

  const bot_name = chat.bot.name;
  const org_id = chat.org_id;
  console.log(`Bot ${bot_name} disabled on ${org_id}`);

bot.on('bot_installed', (chat) => {

  const username = chat.username;
  const bot_name = chat.bot.name;
  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`@${username} Welcome to ${bot_name}!!`);

bot.on('bot_uninstalled', (chat) => {

  const bot_name = chat.bot.name;
  const binder_id = chat.binder_id;
  console.log(`Bot ${bot_name} uninstalled on ${binder_id}`);

Other message events are page_created, file_uploaded, page_annotated, todo_created, todo_completed and meet_recording_ready.

  • Subscribe to messages with the bot.hears() method using regular expression or exact keyword match:
bot.hears([/(schedule|plan|have)? meet/i, 'meeting together'], (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  console.log('@${username} said "schedule... meet", "plan... meet", "have... meet", or "meeting together"');
  • Reply to messages using the chat object:
bot.hears([/(schedule|plan|have)? meet/i, 'meeting together'], (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;

  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`);
  • Obtain access_token
bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {
  • Set access_token before sending message
  • Send Text
chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`);
  • Send RichText (in BBCode style)
chat.sendRichText(`@[b]${username}[/b] [i][color=Blue]do you need to schedule a meet?[/color][/i]`); 
  • Send JSON (in key-value style along with a pre-configured or an on-demand template)
const fields = {  
  title: 'BBCode Info',  
  from: username,  
  info: text,  
  image_url: 'https://www.bbcode.org/images/lubeck_small.jpg'  
  • Upload File or Add Audio Comment for audio file (audio/x-m4a, audio/3gpp)
var options = {};
options.file_path = `${__dirname}/examples/Upload/start.png`;
options.audio_path = `${__dirname}/examples/Upload/test_comment.3gpp`;
chat.sendText(`@${username} upload files`, null, options);
  • Matching keywords for more than once:

If there are more than one keyword matches in bot.hears(), the same handler as well as bot.on('message') event handler would get invoked. By checking chat.condition to determine whether to handle in this situation. You can turn off the generic handler in case there are keywords matches via bot.setGenericHandling(false);

chat.condition.match - the word that matches the regular expression or the whole keyword
chat.condition.primatches - the number of times that match happened before

bot.on('message', (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.comment.text;

  const condition = chat.condition;

  if (condition && condition.primatches > 0) {
    // don't handle message again
    console.log(`message has been handled: @${username} ${text} for ${condition.primatches} times`);
  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`Echo: @${username} ${text}`);

bot.hears([/(schedule|plan|have)? meet/i, 'meeting together'], (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.comment.text;

  const condition = chat.condition;

  if (condition) {  
    if (condition.primatches > 0) {
      // handle message again
      console.log(`message has been handled: @${username} ${text} on ${condition.match} for ${condition.primatches} times`);
    } else {
      console.log(`message for: @${username} ${text} on ${condition.match}`);    

  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`);
  • Add POSTBACK button to the reply:
  • buttons array
    Setting desired buttons in an array which would form buttons in a single column layout
  • POSTBACK object
     type - "postpack"
     text - required text shown on the button
     payload - optional info to carry back; if not specified, it's "MOXTRABOT_text in uppercase"

  • A single string can also turn into a button object; for example 'Not Sure?' becomes
     type: 'postpack',
     text: 'Not Sure?',
     payload: 'MOXTRABOT_NOT SURE?"

  var buttons = [{
    type: 'postback',
    text: 'Sure!'
  }, 'Not Sure?'];
  chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`, buttons);


  chat.sendRichText(`${richtext}`, buttons);    


  chat.sendJSON(fields, buttons);
  • Handle postback event:

The postback event gets triggered when the POSTBACK button is tapped. The corresponding postback:TEXT gets triggered as well.

bot.on('postback:Not Sure?', (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.postback.text;
  const payload = chat.postback.payload;

  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`@${username} specific postback ${text} ${payload}`);

bot.on('postback', (chat) => {
  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.postback.text;
  const payload = chat.postback.payload;

  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`@${username} generic postback ${text} ${payload}`);
  • Set up Express server:

You can setup your own preferred web application framework as well as endpoints for handling GET and POST methods. In the example, we use Express to showcase how it is to be done and using /webhooks as the endpoints.

const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

const app = express();

const MoxtraBot = require('moxtra-bot-sdk');

const bot = new MoxtraBot({
  client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
  api_endpoint: 'https://apisandbox.moxtra.com/v1'

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(bodyParser.json( { verify: bot.verifyRequestSignature.bind(bot) }));

// handle account_link
app.get('/webhooks', (req, res, next) => {
  bot.handleGetRequest(req, res, next);

// handle message events
app.post('/webhooks', (req, res, next) => {
  bot.handlePostRequest(req, res, next);

Account Linking

  • Link Moxtra account with the 3rd party service through Account Linking flow:

    1. User sends a request to Bot (Bot application), which requires access to a 3rd party service that needs user's authorization. Bot does not have prior user account linking info with the 3rd party service.
    2. Bot sends ACCOUNT_LINK button back to Moxtra chat.
    3. User clicks the button and a JSON web token sends back to Bot via the GET method.
    4. Bot verifies the token using client_secret as the key and decodes the token; Bot obtains user_id, username, binder_id, client_id, and org_id via handling the bot.on('account_link') event.
    5. Bot needs to check whether the user_id having the corresponding access_token from the 3rd party service in case ACCOUNT_LINK button might be tapped more than once or by different users in a group chat. If no, next OAuth2 authorization flow would then follows.
    6. After obtaining the access_token from the 3rd party service, Bot needs to complete the original request.
  • Add ACCOUNT_LINK button:

  var buttons = [{
    type: 'account_link',
    text: 'Sign In'
  chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`, buttons);
  • Handle account_link event:
bot.on('account_link', (req, res, data) => {
  const user_id = data.user_id;
  const username = data.username;
  const binder_id = data.binder_id;
  const client_id = data.client_id;
  const org_id = data.org_id;
  // obtain from pendingResponse
  var chat = _pendingResponse[ binder_id + user_id ];
  if (chat) {

    // obtain access_token    
    bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

      if (error) {
        // error happens
      } else {
        chat.sendText(`@${username} performs an account_link for user_id: ${user_id} on binder_id: ${binder_id}`);

  } else {
    chat = _pendingOAuth[ user_id ];  
  // saved linked accessToken from the 3rd party service
  const accessToken = _accountLinked[ user_id ];
  if (accessToken) {  
    if (!chat) {
      console.log('Unable to get pending request!');
      // obtain access_token    
      bot.getAccessToken(client_id, org_id, function(error, token) {

        if (error) {
          // error happens
        } else {        
          // create a new Chat
          chat = new Chat(bot);
          chat.sendText(`@${username} has already obtained access_token from the 3rd party service!`);
    } else {
      // obtain access_token    
      bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

        if (error) {
          // error happens
        } else {        
          chat.sendText(`@${username} has already obtained access_token from the 3rd party service!`);


    // close window    
    res.send('<html><head></head><body onload="javascript:window.close();"></body></html>');
  }  else { 

    delete _pendingResponse[ binder_id + user_id ];    

    // save chat to the pendingOAuth 
    _pendingOAuth[ user_id ] = chat;

    // redirect if needed  
    res.cookie('user_id', user_id);
  • Setup OAuth2 configuration and handle OAuth2 flow:
const OAuth2 = require('./lib/oauth2');

const config = {
  client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
  client_secret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
  api_endpoint: "https://apisandbox.moxtra.com/v1",
  oauth2_client_id: "SERVICE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID",
  oauth2_client_secret: "SERVICE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET",
  oauth2_endpoint: "SERVICE_OAUTH2_ENDPOINT",
  oauth2_auth_path: "SERVICE_OAUTH2_AUTH_PATH",
  oauth2_token_path: "SERVICE_OAUTH2_TOKEN_PATH",
  oauth2_redirect_uri: "SERVICE_OAUTH2_DIRECT_URI"

const oauth2 = new OAuth2(bot, config);

// OAuth2 request flow
app.get('/auth', (req, res, next) => { 
  oauth2.auth(req, res, next);

// OAuth2 callback to obtain access_token
app.get('/callback', (req, res, next) => {
  oauth2.callback(req, res, next);
  • Obtain access_token via catching access_token event
// after doing OAuth2 against the 3rd party service to obtain a user level access_token
bot.on('access_token', (accessToken, req) => {

  const user_id = req.cookies.user_id;
  var chat;
  if (user_id) {
    chat = _pendingOAuth[ user_id ];    
    // save linked accessToken
    _accountLinked[ user_id ] = accessToken;
  if (chat) {
    delete _pendingOAuth[ user_id ];

    // complete the pending request
    const username = chat.username;
    const text = chat.comment.text;
    // obtain access_token    
    bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

      if (error) {
        // error happens
      } else {
        chat.sendText(`@${username} after account linked, bot will complete your request: ${text}`);

  console.log(`Obtained access_token: ${accessToken.token.access_token} for user ${user_id}`);



MoxtraBot Class

new MoxtraBot(configuration)

configuration keyTypeRequired

Creates a new MoxtraBot instance.

MoxtraBot API

.on(event, callback (parameters) )

Subscribe to the message event emitted by the bot, and a callback gets invoked with the parameter pertaining to the event type. Available events are:

EventCallback ParametersDescription
bot_enabledChat object - chat.botOrg Admin enabled the bot app in one org
bot_disabledChat object - chat.botOrg Admin disabled the bot app from the org
bot_installedChat object - chat.botA binder user added the bot user in the binder
bot_uninstalledChat object - chat.botA binder user removed the bot user from the binder
messageChat object - chat.commentThe Bot application received a text message from the user by commenting in a binder
postbackChat object - chat.postbackThe Bot application received a postback call from the user after clicking a POSTBACK button
account_linkRequest, Response, JSON Web Token contentThe Bot application received an account_link call from the user after clicking an ACCOUNT_LINK button
page_createdChat object - chat.pageThe Bot application received a message that a page was created in the binder
file_uploadedChat object - chat.fileThe Bot application received a message that a file was uploaded in the binder
page_annotatedChat object - chat.annotateThe Bot application received a message that an annotation was created on a page in the binder
todo_createdChat object - chat.todoThe Bot application received a message that a todo item was created in the binder
todo_completedChat object - chat.todoThe Bot application received a message that a todo item was completed in the binder
meet_recording_readyChat object - chat.meetThe Bot application received a message that a meet recording was ready in the binder
bot.on('message', (chat) => {
  const text = chat.comment.text; 
  console.log(`message ${text} was received!`);

bot.on('postback', (chat) => {
  const text = chat.postback.text;
  const payload = chat.postback.payload;
  console.log(`Postback ${text} with payload: ${payload} was received!`);

bot.on('file_uploaded', (chat) => {
  const name = chat.file.name;
  const file_id = chat.file.id;
  console.log(`File:${file_id} ${name} was uploaded!`);

.hears(patterns, callback (chat) )

Using pattern matching mechanism to handle desired message. The patterns param can be a string, a regex or an array of both strings and regexs that find matching against the received message. If a match was found, the callback gets invoked. At the same time, message event also gets fired. chat.condition needs to be checked in such case.

patternsstring, regex or mixed arrayY
callback (chat)functionY
bot.hears([/(schedule|plan|have)? meet/i, 'meeting together'], (chat) => {

  const username = chat.username;
  const text = chat.comment.text;

  const condition = chat.condition;

  if (condition) {  
    if (condition.primatches > 0) {
      // handle message again
      console.log(`message has been handled: @${username} ${text} on ${condition.match} for ${condition.primatches} times`);
    } else {
      console.log(`message for: @${username} ${text} on ${condition.match}`);    

  // obtain access_token    
  bot.getAccessToken(chat.client_id, chat.org_id, function(error, token) {

    if (error) {
      // error happens
    } else {
      chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`);

Chat Class and API

new Chat(bot)

Chat instance is created in the callback for each type of message event except account_link. Therefore, chat.binder_id, chat.user_id, chat.username, chat.client_id, and chat.org_id as well as the corresponding event object are pre-populated.

A typical Chat instance has the following structure:

  moxtrabot: {MoxtraBot instance},
  data: {raw message event data},
  binder_id: 'BINDER_ID',
  client_id: 'CLIENT_ID',
  org_id: 'ORG_ID',
  access_token: {access_token for sending message},
  condition: {
    match: 'MATCHED_KEYWORD',
  user_id: 'USER_ID',
  username: 'USERNAME',
  // for bot_installed event
  bot: {   
    id: 'BOT_ID',
    name: 'BOT_NAME'
  // for message event
  comment: {
    id: 'COMMENT_ID',
    text: 'TEXT MESSAGE',
    audio: 'AUDIO MESSAGE'    
  // for postback event
  postback: {
    text: 'POSTBACK_TEXT',
    payload: 'POSTBACK_PAYLOAD'
  // for page_created and page_annotated event
  page: {
    id: 'PAGE_ID',
    type: 'PAGE_TYPE'
  // for file_uploaded event
  file: {
    id: 'FILE_ID',
    name: 'FILE_NAME'
  // for todo_created and todo_completed event
  todo: {
    id: 'TODO_ID',
    name: 'TODO_ITEM_NAME'
  // for meet_recording_ready event
  meet: {
    id: 'MEET_ID',
    topic: 'MEET_TOPIC',
    start_time: 'MEET_START_TIME',
    end_time: 'MEET_END_TIME',
    recording_url: 'MEET_RECORDING_URL'
  // sendText API
  sendText: function (text, buttons, options) {    
  // sendRichText API
  sendRichText: function (richtext, buttons, text, options) {    
  // sendJSON API
  sendJSON: function (fields, buttons, options) {    
  // send API
  send: function (message, options) {    
  // sendRequest API
  sendRequest: function (body, path, method) {    
  // uploadRequest API
  uploadRequest: function (body, file_path, audio_path) {    
  // getBinderInfo API
  getBinderInfo: function (callback) {    


buttons is a string, button, or mixed array. A typical button object structure is as follows:

  type: 'postback | account_link',
  text: 'BUTTON_TEXT',
  payload: 'BUTTON_PAYLOAD'


options is an object that specify on-demand action type, fields_template array - which is used in sendJSON(), file_path for uploading a file attachment, and audio_path for adding audio comment for audio file (audio/x-m4a, audio/3gpp). A typical options has the following structure:

  action: 'chat | page | todo',
  fields_template: [
      template_type: 'text | richtext | page',
      template: 'TEMPLATE'
  file_path: 'UPLOAD FILE PATH',
const fields = {
  title: 'BBCode Info',
  from: 'USERNAME',
  info: 'TEXT',
  image_url: 'https://www.bbcode.org/images/lubeck_small.jpg'
const options = {
  action: 'page',
  fields_template: [
       template_type: 'page',
       template: '<p><image src="{{image_url}}" height="36" width="36"/><br/>' +
        '<div>Title: {{title}}<br/>From: {{from}}<br/>Message: {{info}}</div></p>'        

.sendText(text, buttons, options)

Send a text message to Binder along with optional buttons and options.

buttonsstring, button or mixed arrayN
optionsoptions objectN
const username = chat.username;

var buttons = [{
  type: 'postback',
  text: 'Sure!'
}, 'Not Sure?'];

chat.sendText(`@${username} do you need to schedule a meet?`, buttons);

.sendRichText(richtext, buttons, text, options)

Send a richtext (in BBCode style) message along with optional buttons, text and options.
If action is todo, text is set as todo item name and richtext message as todo comment.

buttonsstring, button or mixed arrayN
textstringN, Y for action is todo
optionsoptions objectN
const username = chat.username;
const text = chat.comment.text;

const richtext = '[table][tr][th][center]BBCode Info[/center][/th][/tr]' +
  '[tr][td][img=50x25]https://www.bbcode.org/images/lubeck_small.jpg[/img][/td][/tr]' +
  '[tr][td]From: [i]' + username + '[/i][/td][/tr]' +
  '[tr][td][color=Red]' + text + '[/color][/td][/tr][/table]';     


.sendJSON(fields, buttons, options)

Send a JSON object fields (in key-value style along with a pre-configured or an on-demand template) message along with optional buttons and options.

fieldsfields objectY
buttonsstring, button or mixed arrayN
optionsoptions objectN
const username = chat.username;
const text = chat.comment.text;

const fields = {
  title: 'BBCode Info',
  from: username,
  info: text,
  image_url: 'https://www.bbcode.org/images/lubeck_small.jpg'
const options = {
  action: 'page',
  fields_template: [
       template_type: 'page',
       template: '<p><image src="{{image_url}}" height="36" width="36"/><br/>' +
        '<div>Title: {{title}}<br/>From: {{from}}<br/>Message: {{info}}</div></p>'        

chat.sendJSON(fields, null, options);

.send(message, options)

Send a complete message along with options. The message structure is shown as follows:

  message: {
    text: 'TEXT',
    richtext: 'RICHTEXT',
    fields: {FIELDS},
    action: 'chat | page | todo',
    buttons: [
        type: 'postback | account_link',
        text: 'TEXT',
        payload: 'PAYLOAD'

.sendRequest(body, path, method)

This is the root API for sending API request to Moxtra. access_token in the chat has to present to send the request.

pathstringN, default is '/messages'
methodstringN, default is 'POST'

.uploadRequest(body, file_path, audio_path)

This is the API for uploading file and adding audio comment to Moxtra. access_token in the chat has to present to send the request.

file_pathstringN, file path
audio_pathstringN, audio file path for audio file (audio/x-m4a, audio/3gpp)


This API is to get a particular binder information. binder_id has to be set prior to making the api call.

var chat = new Chat(bot);

// obtain access_token    
bot.getAccessToken('CLIENT_ID', 'ORG_ID', function(error, token) {

  if (error) {
    // error happens

  } else {

    chat.getBinderInfo(function(error, ret) {
      if (!error) {
        console.log('binder : ' + ret);
  "data": {
    "id": "BiHGjPE2ZbsHyhVujuU4TUL",
    "name": "test bot",
    "created_time": 1487787567445,
    "updated_time": 1491598936463,
    "total_comments": 0,
    "total_members": 8,
    "total_pages": 0,
    "total_todos": 0,
    "revision": 884,
    "thumbnail_uri": "https://www.moxtra.com/board/BiHGjPE2ZbsHyhVujuU4TUL/4",
    "conversation": false,
    "users": [],
    "restricted": false,
    "team": false,
    "description": "",
    "feeds_timestamp": 1491598936463,
    "status": "BOARD_MEMBER",
    "last_feed": null,
    "binder_email": "b2f583d00339e44d0b2d02f9d50f352fa",
    "tags": null,
    "unread_feeds": 0,
    "pages": []


Check the examples directory to see more samples of:

  • An echo bot
  • A bot using regular expression to capture text message
  • A bot sending RichText message
  • A bot sending Fields message
  • A bot uploading file and adding audio comment
  • A bot handling Account Link with OAuth2

To run the examples, make sure to complete the bot creation on MoxtraBot configuration and setup required configurations. For example, to run Echo example using the following command:

$ node examples/Echo
