1.1.1 • Published 4 years ago

mp-ga-tracker v1.1.1

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Last release
4 years ago


GA tracking SDK for WeChat Miniprogram.


$ npm install mp-ga-tracker --save


import GaTracker, { DS_WEB, DS_APP } from 'mp-ga-tracker'

const config = {
  server: {
    host: '<ga_proxy_server_host_url>',
    // ?optional, default -> '/collect'
    singleHitEndpoint: '<ga_single_hit_collect_endpoint>',
    // ?optional, default -> '/batch'
    batchHitEndpoint: '<ga_multiple_hits_collect_endpoint>',
    // ?optional, default -> `POST`
    method: 'POST',
  // set the default fallback value to the dh
  defaultDh: 'default.document_host_name.com',
  // set the params that would be sent for every single hit
  generalParams: {
    tid: '<ga_tracking_id>',
    // ?optional, protocol version, default -> 1
    v: 1,
    // ?optional, data source, enum value would be either DS_WEB or DS_APP, default -> DS_WEB
    ds: DS_WEB,
    // required when the ds setting above is DS_APP, otherwise the value won'be used
    an: '<application_name>',
    // ?optional, application id
    aid: '<application_id>',
    // ?optional, application version
    av: '<application_version>',
  // ?optional, for the hit console logging, default -> false
  logging: false,

const gaTracker = new GaTracker(config)



// Setting the client ID, which normally would be WeChat user's openId
// Note that the cid should be set up ASAP once the gaTracker has been initialized
// The ga hit would be pushed into the internal queue and wouldn't be sent to the server before the cid has been set

// Setting the campaign params
// All of these params are optional and could be set at any time
// Every single hit in the internal queue that haven't been sent out would be affected when the campaign params updates
  cn: 'campaign_name',
  cs: 'campaign_source',
  cm: 'campaign_medium',
  ck: 'campaign_keyword',
  cc: 'campaign_content',


// Tracking screenview, either string or object is ok to be used
gaTracker.trackScreenview('screen_name', ...enhancers)
  // required
  cd: 'sceen_name',
  // ?optional, default -> 0
  ni: 1,
}, ...enhancers)

// Tracking pageview
  // required, document_title
  dt: 'document_title',
  // opitonal if the defaultDh has been set up when the gaTracker is initialized
  dh: 'document_host_name',
  // ?optional, document_path, default -> the MP current page path
  dp: 'dopcument_path',
  // ?optional, default -> 0
  ni: 1,
}, ...enhancers)
// trackPageview supports string argument as well, it would be treated as the dt value
// Note that it won't work if the defaultDh hasn't been setup
gaTracker.trackPageview('document_title', ...enhancers)

// Tracking event
// Besides the event info, extra screenview / pageview info would be attached as well based on the ds (data_source) value:
// when the ds is DS_WEB, the last pageview info would be attached
// when the ds is DS_APP, the last screenview info would be attached
  // required
  ec: 'event_category',
  // reuqired
  ea: 'event_action',
  // ?optional
  el: 'event_label',
  // ?optional
  ev: 'event_value',
  // ?optional, default -> 0
  ni: 1,
}, ...enhancers)

List of enhancement plugins

  • mp-ga-enhancer-ecommerce
$ npm install mp-ga-enhancer-ecommerce --save