0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago
mpesa-c2b-updated v0.0.1
Mpesa C2B SDK
Provides and SDK wrapper over the mpesa online checkout api
npm install --save mpesa-c2b
Node.js Requirements
We've only tested with Node v6.2
and above
import the library, run setup, and just call the methods
let c2b = require('mpesa-c2b');
// before you can make any api calls, you have to call setUp
// with the endpoint, merchantid, and passkey
let setup = {
endpoint: 'https://safaricom.co.ke/mpesa_online/lnmo_checkout_server.php?wsdl',
merchantid: 898876, // paybill provided by safaricom
passkey: '1d4e1d065acb7d540872e3868412c35058d539a0' // passkey provided by safaricom
// call c2b.setUp with the set up information
c2b.setUp(setup.endpoint, setup.merchantid, setup.passkey);
// to use the online checkout api
// you need to make two calls
// `c2b.checkoutRequest` set's up the request, and returns a transactionId
// `c2b.confirmCheckout` takes the transactionId, and completes the request
// For Example
let rq = {
merchant_transaction_id: "1099348873",
reference_id: "XGDBHHNJSK",
amount: "10.00",
msisdn: "254711509060",
call_back_method: "get",
c2b.checkoutRequest(rq).then(r => {
let trx_id = r.data.response.trx_id;
// to something with the trxid... like saving to db
// confirm checkout to complete the request
return c2b.confirmCheckout({ trx_id }).then(r => {
// logTodb(r, 'transaction complete')
}).catch(err => {
And that's it, so easy to use...!!! BUT Remember to have a working callback url