0.3.2 • Published 1 year ago

mpilot-ui v0.3.2

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1 year ago

MPilot Model Viewer

Mpilot UI is a JavaScript library for visualizing MPilot models. MPilot UI is implemented using Svelte and provides a Svelte component, as well as a vanilla JavaScript API.

Using with Svelte

You can use the ModelDiagram component to place a model visualization in your Svelte application. In order to do this, you will first have to create a program object from model source.

import { Program } from 'mpilot/lib'
const program = Program.fromSource(modelSource)  

With the program object, you can create the diagram in your Svelte component.

  import ModelDiagram from 'mpilot-ui/lib/components/ModelDiagram'

<ModelDiagram {program} />

In addition to program, the ModelDiagram component takes three other props that affect the visualization behavior.


  • program -- The MPilot program object
  • values -- An object mapping nodes in the model to values (e.g., when the user clicks a location on a map). See below for the object format.
  • labels -- An object mapping nodes in the model to custom labels. See below for the object format.
  • mode -- The diagram mode. Can be either 'full' or 'narrow' (default). Narrow mode only shows part of the diagram at a time, adjusting which nodes are visible as the user explores the model.

Values object schema

  '<node result name>': {
    value: '<numerical value>',
    label: '<value label>',
    color: '<value color>'

Labels object schema

  '<node result name>': '<label>'

Using with vanilla JavaScript