0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

mrest-api-client v0.0.2

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10 years ago

MREST client NodeJS

An example Javascript client for a heavily structured (Model) REST API. It should be suitable for use with any valid json schema.

This project extends the Unirest client. It also uses json schema to specify models and validate data before and after sending.

For more information about MREST, please visit its wiki.


Initialize the client:

var mrest_client = require("../client.js");

// The example schema included with the Flask MREST server
    "title": "Coin Schema",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "metal": {
            "type": "string"
        "mint": {
            "type": "string"
    "required": ["metal", "mint"]

// Default to localhost configuration and example host
var cfg = {"url": "", "host": "example.com", "schemas": {"coin": COIN_SCHEMA}};
var mrest = mrest_client(cfg);

Create a new Coin:

var coin;

mrest.post('coin', {'metal':'PB','mint':'perhaps my basement?'}, function(err, resp) {
  coin = resp;

Get the Coin:

mrest.get('coin', coin.id, function(err, resp) {});

Update the Coin:

mrest.put('coin', coin.id, {'metal':'PB': 'pirate booty'}, function(err, resp) {});

Delete the Coin:

mrest.delete('coin', coin.id, function(err, resp) {});

Example Server

An example MREST server (used for tests) can be found here. Note that it requires Python 2.7 and uses Flask.