3.3.0 ā€¢ Published 2 years ago

ms-choices v3.3.0

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Last release
2 years ago

MS Choices


Ms choices is a router microservice that aggregates and fine tunes scores from multiple services in order to return the best campaign to serve.


  • AdServer

Input / Output

This project have following http/https endpoints input and output are in json format:

  • /health: health check of the service
  • /context: called by Beeswax to choose the best campaign
  • /bestCampaigns: called by wsback to choose the best campaigns from a list
  • /header-bidding: called by ms-bidder for header bidding
  • /check-fraud, /check-brand-safety: called manually to check apps for fraud, check brand safety for web tutorial here



Services requesting ms-choices:

  • wsback calls ms-choices-int (internal + header-bidding in-app)
  • ms-bidder calls ms-choices-int (internal + header-bidding web)
  • Beeswax calls ms-choices-ext (external)

Services requested/used by ms-choices:

  • ms-speed-api (GRPC)
  • ms-yield (GRPC)
  • ms-auction (http protobuf)
  • Redis - clusters:
    • dv-prod-<region> (read only)
    • redis-ms-choices-<env>-<region> (read/write)
  • dynamoDB - tables:
    • data-<env> (DAX)
    • cappings-<env>
  • S3 - buckets:
    • ogury-choices-<env>
    • ogury-audience-serving-<env>
    • ogury-context-<env>
  • Kafka - produces in topics:
    • choices
    • Delivery
    • bidrequest
    • choices_requests
    • _bidrequestraw
  • feature-config server (see all params used by ms-choices)
  • prometheus


In general there are no explicit fallback in case of failure of an external service.

This section is describing the expected behaviors in case of a failure of a service. Those effect have not been tested and are not guaranteed

  • dynamo: Dynamo is embedded in the Health check, a failure of dynamo, would trigger a restart of all pods
  • kafka: all step are feeding kafka queues, in case of slowness or unresponsiveness of the kafka server, there might be some performance impact on ms-choices.
  • prometheus : prometheus shouldn't be an issue, it exposes a page that is requested by the service in a pull way.
  • featureConfig: it probably won't be an issue everything should fall back to default values
StepDependencydefault behaviordetectioncomplications
BrandSafetyRedisblock (configurable in feature config)timeout/errorslow or unresponsive
FraudRedispasstimeout/errorslow or unresponsive
programmaticResponsems-auctionno programmatictimeout/errorslow or unresponsive
speedspeed-apiuse cachecache get staleburst of speed-api request in background, possible pod crash
yieldyield-apipasstimeout/errorslow or unresponsive


Install package

yarn install

Initialize submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

INFO: After editing proto on external project, do this command to update source of submodule

git submodule update --remote --merge

Check and update config file if needed




Start internal server:

docker-compose -f mock/docker-compose.yml up -d
yarn start-local:int

Or to start external server:

docker-compose -f mock/docker-compose.yml up -d
yarn start-local:ext

Run unit tests:

  • ensure Redis server is running
yarn test


An easy way to run Redis is to use the docker-compose file in test:

docker-compose -f test/docker-compose.yml up --build -d


yarn test

If Redis is running on a non-standard port, use the REDIS_PORT env var

If some test crash, connect to Redis and flush all data by calling FLUSHALL command:

āžœ telnet localhost 6379
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Add a Delivery step

Create a class yourStepName.step.ts that implements the Step interface. You'll have to implement 3 methods: 1. getName: should return the name of your step (will be used by decorators such as metrics and kafka) 2. execute: the execution of your step. The given request object should not be changed. The result object may be changed. 3. getLabels: should return the prometheus labels (used by metrics decorator)

Instance your step where you want to use it by using the StepBuilder class and adding the decorator(s) you need. Example:

this.dvFraudAppStep = new StepBuilder(new DvfraudAppStep()).kafka().metrics().dryrun().build()

Compile protobufs

If you need the protobuf files:

cd delivery-common-protos
git checkout master
git pull

cd ..
yarn build:proto

You can replace master with any other commit, branch or tag you intend to use. Remember that you need to commit the fact that the submodule commit was changed.



Running local mocks and testing Beeswax

Please see the mock README

Possible Errors

If you get a build error with node-gyp, don't forget to add flags !

export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib

Useful tools

Manually checking brand safety in DV: scripts/brand_safety (refer to README in the folder)


It is possible to launch a profiling session in production To do so you have to connect to the /profile endpoint This will launch a 5 minutes profiling session only on the pod you reached. After 5 minutes it will release a file in a S3 bucket you can read and analyze.

example: you want to launch a 5 minutes profile session on prod internal eu-west make sure you have your VPN open to the server

curl -H "Authorization: static Kdfuo902FDSMMnsipam" http://ms-choices-int-euw1a.prod.cloud.ogury.io/profile

wait 5 minutes go aws S3 bucket ogury-choices-prod-eu-west-1/inspector you will find a new file here download the file

go to https://www.speedscope.app/ select the file you downloaded and start to analyze

Feature Config

FeatureExcepted TypeDescriptionDefault Value
ms-choices.bypass-normal-flow-assetsstring list separated by ,List of assets that normal flow in internal should be ignored and go direct to marketplace/open market stepvoid
ms-choices.queue-buffering-max-kbytesnumberqueue.buffering.max.kbytes setting of kafka client0
ms-choices.prio-web-weightnumberhow much we should prioritize web inventory between 0 and 10.75
ms-choices.prio-thumbnail-weightnumberhow much we should prioritize thumbnail inventory between 0 and 10.25
ms-choices.brand-safety.allow-unknownbooleanshould allow unknown brand safety level assetsfalse
ms-choices.brand-safety.test-only-campaignsstring list separated by ,test campaign list which bypass brand safety stepvoid
ms-choices.dv-bypass-apikeysstring list separated by ,api key list which bypass dv stepvoid
ms-choices.header-bidding-display-default-scorenumberdefault acc rate score for header bidding inventory when hashmap does not have value0
ms-choices.uniformize-scoresbooleanshould use percentile uniformization for scoringfalse
ms-choices.composite-score-weightscomplex typescore weights for every scorenull => { default: { cta: 0, audience: 0} } is used
ms-choices.excluded-regions-programmatic-internalstring list separated by ,aws regions in which that programmatic is disabled for internal inventoryvoid
ms-choices.excluded-regions-programmatic-header-biddingstring list separated by ,aws regions in which that programmatic is disabled for header bidding inventoryvoid
ms-choices.max-delay-pass-speed-thresholdnumbermax advance a campaign can have for speed, when campaign's delay > this value, it does not pass speedThresholdStep1.5
ms-choices.random-noise-composite-score-speednumbernoise setting pass to jStat which is used to randomize composite score variation0
ms-choices.ms-choices.fallback-campaign-idsstring list separated by ,fallback campaign list used when no normal/open market campaign is selectedvoid
ms-choices.ms-choices.fallback-campaign-idsstring list separated by ,fallback campaign list used when no normal/open market campaign is selectedvoid
ms-choices.log-request-kafka-pctfloat number 0, 1chance to log incoming request to Kafka topic choices_request0.005 (0.5% requests logged)
ms-choices.log-request-pctfloat number 0, 1chance to log incoming request and response to datadog0
ms-choices.brand-safety.allow-unknown.[dv,ias]booleanallow passing when brand safety is unknownfalse
ms-choices.brand-safety.severity.[dv,ias]string low, medium, highset the level of the filterhigh
ms-choices.brand-safety.custom-filtering.[dv,ias]string list separated by ,filter out specific segmentsvoid
ms-choices.publisher-fraud.severity.iasstring medium, highset the level of the filterhigh
ms-choices.publisher-fraud.allow-unknown.iasbooleanallow passing when brand safety is unknownfalse
ms-choices.brand-suitability.allow-unknown.iasbooleanallow passing when brand suitability is unknownfalse
ms-choices.device-fraud.fill-cache.iasbooleanforce caching of ip based segmentsfalse
ms-choices.device-fraud.allow-unknown.iasbooleanallow passing when brand safety is unknowntrue
ms-choices.brand-safety.fill-cache.[dv,ias]booleanforce caching of url based segmentsfalse
ms-choices.header-bidding.third-party-extra-feecomplex typethird party fee for header biddingnull => {"Amazon TAM":0, "MAX":0, "PreBid":0} is used

Brand safety

Design proposal, please read it if you are not familiar with the subject, it helps a lot.

Missing implementation details in DP:

  • There is no true authentication/authorization on DV's API, we use a hashed/salted query parameter technique with unique partner id to let DV identify origin of http request.
  • DV's segments and their categories: The segment type is determined in following code. Detailed DV API doc.
  • Redis lock technique, we use redlock lib, detail in here.


You can validate your Jenkinsfile syntax using

curl -X POST -F "jenkinsfile=<Jenkinsfile" https://:@jenkins.ci.cloud.ogury.io/pipeline-model-converter/validate