1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

ms-mock-core v1.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


This package provides programming interface to start up a mock API server.


npm install --save-dev ms-mock-core


yarn add ms-mock-core --dev


ES6 (with babel)

import {startServer, stopServer} from "ms-mock-core";

const server = startServer({
        port: 5020,
        config: [{
            path: "./public",
            type: 'static'
        configBasePath: __dirname,
        onServerStart: () => {
            console.log(`Listening to 5020...`);
            // server object can then be stopped
            stopServer(server, () => {
                console.log(`Server stopped`);

Older style

let startServer = require('ms-mock-core').startServer;
let stopServer = require('ms-mock-core').stopServer;

const server = startServer({
    port: 5020,
    config: [{
        path: "./public",
        type: 'static'
    configBasePath: __dirname,
    onServerStart: () => {
        console.log(`Listening to 5020...`);
        // server object can then be stopped
        stopServer(server, () => {
            console.log(`Server stopped`);


startServer(opts: ServerOption): AugmentedServer

This method will return an Server object created by node http module. The Server object would be augmented as documented as below. After this method is executed, an ExpressJS server will be started.


logStream: ReadableStream

This is a node.js readable stream which will stream the request access log.


port: number

The port number of the mock server

plugins: ?Array\<string | Plugin> (Experimental)

An array of strings which specify the names of the plugins. For each name specified, the package will try to prefix it with ms-mock- and then load it. Therefore consumer is responsible to ensure it's installed properly.

config: Array\<RouteConfig>

A list of config objects of the mock server. This config objects describe what request should be served and what should be responded. Currently the config object can define 3 types of request:

  1. static files
  2. proxied request
  3. self defined combinations of HTTP method, query string, HTTP Headers and request body.
fs: ?FileSystem

Custom implementation of fs module. If not provided the mock server will simply use Node.js fs module.

configBasePath: string

The absolute path to the config file. It is used to compute the file path which is indicated as relative path in the config object.

onServerStart: ?(server: Server) => void

The callback to be triggered upon the server start and listening to the port.


type: 'static' | 'proxy' | 'combinations' | string
  • static means it will serve the files specified in path statically.
  • proxy means it will proxy the request to host attributes.
  • combinations means it will serve HTTP request based on the defined combinations of HTTP method, query string, HTTP Headers and request body
path: string

Based on which type of the config is, the path attribute has different meanings. If it is a static config, then the path indicates the path to the directory to be served statically. If a relative path is used, the path will be relative to the configBasePath. If it is proxy or combination config, the path indicates the path served by the mock server.

host: ?string

Used by proxy config only. The request received by the mock server will be proxied to the host. The proxy function is powered by express-http-proxy

cors: ?boolean

Used by proxy config only. If this is true, the following CORS Header will be added to the response for all response proxied.

proxyOptions: any

Used by proxy config only. The object will be passed to the express-http-proxy module.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
method: ?string

Used by combination config. This method will be passed to express route. From ExpressJS, it should be one of the HTTP methods, such as GET, PUT, POST, and so on, in lowercase.

combinations: ?Array\<RequestCombinationCriteria>

A list of combination criteria for this path.


It consists of multiple checks:

  • headers checks
  • queries checks

If all of the checks passed, the mock server will return the response specified in the response attribute of this combination.

cors: ?boolean

If this is true, the following CORS Header will be added to the response for this combination.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
headers: ?Array\<RequestMatchObject>

The query parameters of the request. If a request to mock matches all of the query parameters specified in this list, then it is considered as passed.

query: ?Array\<RequestMatchObject>

The query parameters of the request. If a request to mock matches all of the query parameters specified in this list, then it is considered as passed.

response: MockResponseDescriptor

The response descriptor object. If both the headers checks and queries checks passed, then this descriptor will be used to generate the corresponding response.


name: string

The name of the parameter. i.e. Header name or query parameter name.

matchRule: 'exact'

Indicates the matchRule of this parameter. The following matchRule are supported:

  • exact - If the provided value and the request value are the same (compared by ===), then it is matched.
  • exists - If request value is non-empty string (checked by !!), then it is matched.
  • regex - Given an regular expression as string, test the request value by the regex, it is matched if it returns true.
value: string

The expected value of this parameter.


delay: ?number

If specified, the response will be returned after delayms.

headers: ?Array\<NVP>

A list of headers to be returned in this response.

fileContent: ?boolean

An indicator to indicate if a file should be served.

filePath: ?string

The path to the file to be served. If a relative path is provided, then it will be resolved relatively to the configBasePath.

statusCode: number

The HTTP statusCode to be sent in the response.

content: ?any

Used when fileContent is false. The content to be sent in this response. At the moment only string and json is tested.


This represents a Name-Value Pair Object.

name: string

The name of the object.

value: string | number | any

The value of the object.

stopServer(s: Server, cb: Function)

This method will shutdown the server s. After it is shut down, cb will be called.

Plugin (Experimental)

The ms-mock-core package provided two hooks to extends its functionality at the moment. They are:

  • matchers
  • handlers

For every package name prefixed with ms-mock- can be specified and loaded by the package using the plugins option. The package should export a single object with zero or more hooks.

module.exports = {
    matchers: {
        "oneOf": (expected, actual) => {
            return expected.includes(actual);
    handlers: {
        "sample": ({app, config}) => {

            app.use(config.path, (req, res) => {
                res.send("Send by plugin: Sample").end();

Matchers hook

For each key defined, it can be used in matchRule. The function provided by the key will be executed when match checking (header check or query check) take place. If multiple plugins with the same keys defined, the latter one will override the former one.

Interface: (expected: string | any, actual: string) => boolean

The expected value is the one passed in NVP. Plugins author can define what type of value can be passed in with the specified matchRule. The actual value is the one received by the ms-mock server.

The plugin author should determine if it is matched or not given the expected and actual value.

All available matchers will be passed to all handlers using app.locals.matchers for their own use.

Handlers hook

For each key defined, it can be used in type in config. The function provided by the key will be executed when parsing the config at server start up time. For each config specified the type, its corresponding function will be triggered once. The express app context is exposed to each handlers to bind its own middleware to handle request. If multiple plugins with the same keys defined, the latter one will override the former one.

Interface: (context: HandlerContext) => void


app: ExpressApp

The express application object. Plugins author can use it to bind any middleware to serve.

basePath: string

The configBasePath specified in the ServerOption.

config: RouteConfig

The route config that is being parsed.

Plugin author is responsible to specify what is accepted in RouteConfig. Consumer should provide the data required by the plugin author.

customFs: ?FileSystem

The custom fs implementation provided in ServerOption. It can be null or undefined. It is used in combinations type handler at the moment. Plugin author can decide to use it or not.