1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

multi-expose-loader v1.0.2

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4 years ago

Loader for exposing multiple exported members for webpack


While I was working on an upgrade project that had a lot of "plain-old JavaScript" files that using a lot of global JS variables, I noticed that not all JS files could be upgraded to ES6.

So I had to use the Expose loader for webpack to continue providing these global variables. Unfortunately, I was not able to port all code to ES6 modules using only ES6 default exports, which the export loader could handle. Some modules export members, which has to be placed in the global scope too. So I searched for a webpack loader placing members in the global scope.

Found Expose Members loader for webpack, but this, somewhat older, contribution by @davidpelayo did not meet my requirements. So I decided to write a loader that can expose both the default export and member export to the global scope.


Usecase: Expose the default export to multiple globals

Requirement: Expose jquery to globals $ and jQuery

module: {
    rules: [{ 
        "test": "jquery", 
        "use": [{ "loader": "multi-expose-loader", "options": "$,jQuery" }]

Solution: Separate multiple exports with a comma.

Usecase: Expose multiple members

Requirement: Expose exports member1 and member2 from module example.js to globals member1 and member2

module: {
    rules: [{ 
        "test": "./example.js", 
        "use": [{ "loader": "multi-expose-loader", "options": "#member1,#member2" }]

Solution: Indicate members with a leading #

Usecase: Expose multiple members to alias names

Requirement: Expose exports member1 and member2 from module example.js to globals alias1 and alias2

module: {
    rules: [{ 
        "test": "./example.js", 
        "use": [{ "loader": "multi-expose-loader", "options": "alias1:#member1,alias2:#member2" }]

Solution: Seperate alias and member with a colon

Usecase: Expose to namespaces in the global environment

Requirement: Expose to namespace

module: {
    rules: [{ 
        "test": "./example.js", 
        "use": [{ "loader": "multi-expose-loader", "options": "namespace1.alias1:#member1,namespace2.alias2:#member2" }]

Solution: Give the point separated path to the alias

Alternative configurations

Of course, the configuration can also be made via import or require. Examples:

import  'multi-expose-loader?$,jQuery!jquery'; 


Code generation

Unlike the expose-loader, only one webpack module is generated. For example, it looks like this:

/* 63 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

"use strict";
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {

var __multi_expose_loader_exports = __webpack_require__(64);
global["alias1"] = __multi_expose_loader_exports.member1;
if (!global["namespace2"]) global["namespace2"] = {};
global["namespace2"]["alias2"] = __multi_expose_loader_exports.member2;
globalmodule.exports = global["global1"] = global["global2"] = __multi_expose_loader_exports;
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(3)))

/***/ }) 

Peer dependencies

The peer dependencies are webpack 2 and 3. I think it also works in 4, but without testing I added this webpack version not to the peers.


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)