2.0.2 • Published 5 years ago
multi-page-html2pdf v2.0.2
NPM Package for HTML to PDF
npm i multi-page-html2pdf (or) yarn add multi-page-html2pdf
import makePDF function from 'multi-page-html2pdf
import { makePDF } from 'multi-page-html2pdf
Call makePDF function wherever you want:
makePDF(domId, options);
1. domId - HTML element ID
if present: you will get PDF file with returned string "Successfully PDF Downloaded"
otherwise: function will return { err: "domId is not present on HTML DOM"}
2. options: (optional)
default options = {
margin: 15,
filName: "HTML-Document"
margin (must should be a Number) - padding between PDF Contend and white-space
fileName (must should be a String) - Filename