1.2.2 • Published 7 months ago

multi-tenant-rbac v1.2.2

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7 months ago

Multi-Tenant RBAC

Multi-Tenant RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a package that provides a simple and flexible way to manage access control and permission for multi-tenant applications. It is built on top of Sequelize ORM and supports various SQL databases.


You can install Multi-Tenant RBAC using npm:

npm install multi-tenant-rbac

Database Migration

You can run database migration using:

node ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli db:migrate --url mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/lib_rbac --migrations-path ./node_modules/multi-tenant-rbac/src/migrations

This is a command to run database migrations using the Sequelize CLI tool. It specifies the database URL, the migrations path, and runs the db:migrate command.

The command should be executed in the terminal or command prompt in the root directory of the project.

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • node ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize-cli: Runs the Sequelize CLI tool. db:migrate: Runs the db:migrate command, which applies pending migrations to the database. --url mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/lib_rbac: Specifies the database URL. Replace root and password with the username and password for your MySQL database, respectively. localhost and 3306 specify the database host and port, respectively. lib_rbac is the name of the database. --migrations-path ./node_modules/multi-tenant-rbac/src/migrations: Specifies the path where the migrations files are located. In this case, it is ./node_modules/multi-tenant-rbac/src/migrations.


To use the package, you need to import the MultiTenantRBAC class and create an instance with the database configuration:

import MultiTenantRBAC, { rbacConfig } from "multi-tenant-rbac";
// for mysql
const config: rbacConfig = {
    dialect: 'mysql',
    mysqlConfig: {
        database: 'lib_rbac1',
        host: '',
        password: 'password',
        port: 3306,
        username: 'root'

// for mongoose 
const config: rbacConfig = {
    dialect: 'mongodb',
    mongodbConfig : {
        url: 'url-mongodb-connection-url',
        useCreateIndex: true,
        useFindAndModify: true,
        useNewUrlParser: true,
        useUnifiedTopology: true

/* create an instance of `MultiTenantRBAC` class 
and pass the configuration
const RBAC = new MultiTenantRBAC(config);

Once you have created an instance, you can use the various methods provided by the package to manage roles, permissions, tenants, and user roles.

Create Permissions

To create permissions, you can use the createPermission method:

const permissions = [

].map((permission) => ({
    title: permission,
    description: permission,
    isActive: true,

await RBAC.createPermission(permissions);

Create Tenant

To create a tenant, you can use the createTenant method:

const tenant = await RBAC.createTenant({
    name: 'name',
    description: 'description',
    isActive: true

Create Role

To create a role, you can use the createRole method:

const role = await RBAC.createRole(tenant.slug, {
    title: 'initiator1',
    isActive: true,
    description: 'initiator role1'

Find Tenant

To find a tenant, you can use the findTenant method:

const findTenant = await RBAC.findTenant(tenant.name);

Update Tenant

To update a tenant, you can use the updateTenant method:

const updateTenant = await RBAC.updateTenant(tenant.name, {
    description: 'updated'

Delete Tenant

To delete a tenant, you can use the deleteTenant method:

const deleteTenant = await RBAC.deleteTenant(tenant.name);

Find Role

To find a role, you can use the findRole method:

const foundRole = await RBAC.findRole(findTenant.id , 'initiator1');

Get Tenant With Role and Permissions

To get a tenant with its roles and permissions, you can use the getTenantWithRoleAndPermissions method:

const getUsers = await RBAC.getTenantWithRoleAndPermissions(tenant.name);

Get User Role

To get a user's roles, you can use the getUserRole method:

// userId should a unique field that will be used to represent it's user
const userId = 'userId' 
const getUserRoles = await RBAC.getUserRole(tenant.id , userId);

Assign Role to User

To assign a role to a user, you can use the assignRoleToUser method:

//this will add a new role to a user
// userId should a unique field that will be used to represent it's user
const addUserToRole = await RBAC.assignRoleToUser({
  roleSlug: foundRole.slug,
  tenantId: findTenant.id ,
  userId: 'user123',


Sync User With Role

To sync a role to a user, you can use the syncUserWithRole method:

// this will replace the existing role with these new roles

const syncUserToRole = await RBAC.syncUserWithRole({
  role: ['initiator1', 'initiator2'],
  tenantId: findTenant.id ,
  userId: 'user123',

Check User Permissions

To check if a user has a certain permission, you can use the userHasPermission method:

const checkUserPermission = await RBAC.userHasPermission({
  permission: 'create-payment',
  userId: 'user123',

Find Permission

You can find a permission by title or slug using the findPermission method.

const findPermissions = await RBAC.findPermission('create-payment');

Add Role with Permissions

You can add a role with a list of permissions using the addRoleWithPermissions method.

const addRoleWithPermissions = await RBAC.addRoleWithPermissions(findTenant.id , {
  permissions: ['create-payment'],
  role: 'initiator',


In conclusion, multi-tenant-rbac is a powerful package for implementing multi-tenant role-based access control in your Node.js applications. With its simple and intuitive API, it makes it easy to create and manage tenants, roles, permissions, and user roles.

In this example, we saw how to create a new instance of the MultiTenantRBAC class and use it to perform various RBAC-related operations, including creating tenants, roles, permissions, and user roles, assigning roles to users, and checking user permissions.

By following the usage example provided, you can easily integrate multi-tenant-rbac into your Node.js applications and secure your application resources from unauthorized access.

It should be noted that this readme only provides a brief overview of the multi-tenant-rbac package and the example code provided is not an exhaustive representation of all the classes and functionality that are available in the package. Additional classes, methods, and functionality can be found in the package's source code and documentation.

Contribution and Support

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue in the GitHub repository.

Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

If you would like to support the development of this package, you can do so by:

  • Starring the GitHub repository
  • Sharing the package with others
  • Contributing code or documentation improvements
  • Making a financial contribution through Buy Me a Coffee

Thank you for your support!


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