0.0.5 • Published 10 years ago
multido v0.0.5
create a work group, work group can run job with same action but different parameter.
you can push new job to the group.
like a thread pool, once you push to the group, if current less than specified threads run, this job will run immediately.
if not, will wait a job finish ,then run.
npm install multido
var Multido = require('multido');
var worker=function(param,callback){
// do some thing here
// callback();
// or
// callback(err);
// errTryCnt, if worker pass error to callback, then group will retry errTryCnt times at most. if not set, will retry forever.
// name, set a name for this group, can use group.getName() to get it back. if not set, will equal to empty string '';
var option = {errTryCnt:3,name:'test_group'};
// limit , allowed threads to run worker at the same time.
var limit = 3;
var group = new Multido(limit,option,worker);