1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago
multikey-object v1.0.1
An implementation of a cache that supports objects as keys. Keys can contain only strings.
npm install multikey-object
Supports the following methods:
set(key, value) : Sets a value to a key. Key can be an object with string fields. Value can be anything.
get(key) : Returns the value by key.
has(key) : Checks for the existence of a key.
delete(key) : Deletes an entry by key.
clear() : Deletes everything.
values() : Returns array of all values.
keys() : Returns array of all keys.
entries() : Returns array of all keys and values in format [key, value].
forEach(callbackfn) : Calls callbackfn for each entry. Passes the value, key, and MultiKeyObject instance as arguments.
size : Returns count of entries.
import { MultiKeyObject } from 'multikey-object';
interface Person {
name: string;
age: string;
const cache = new MultiKeyObject<Person, string>();
const john = { name: 'John', age: "30" };
const jane = { name: 'Jane', age: "25" };
cache.set(john, 'John Doe');
cache.set(jane, 'Jane Doe');
console.log(cache.get(john)); // 'John Doe'
console.log(cache.get(jane)); // 'Jane Doe'
console.log(cache.size); // 2
cache.forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(`${key.name} is ${key.age} years old and their name is ${value}`);
console.log("Change value by key:");
//Finds this key not by reference, but by value and replaces the value.
cache.set({ name: 'John', age: "30" }, 'John Doe Jr');
for (let [key, value] of cache) {
console.log(`${key.name} is ${key.age} years old and their name is ${value}`);
const { MultiKeyObject } = require("multikey-object");
const cache = new MultiKeyObject();
//Automatically converts key fields to strings
a: 123,
b: "hello",
c: BigInt("123")
}, {
d: 333,
console.log("cache.get:", cache.get({
a: "123",
b: "hello",
c: "123"
a: "123",
b: "hello",
c: "123"
}, {
d: 555,
e: {
f: BigInt("123")
a: "555",
b: "hello",
c: "123"
}, {
d: 333,
e: {
f: BigInt("123")
console.log("cache.has:", cache.has({
a: "555",
b: "hello",
c: "123"
console.log("cache.get:", cache.get({
a: "123",
b: "hello",
c: "123"
console.log("for of cache:");
for(let [key, value] of cache){
console.log(key, value);
console.log("for of cache.keys:");
for(let key of cache.keys()){
console.log("for of cache.values:");
for(let value of cache.values()){
a: "123",
b: "hello",
c: "123"
console.log("cache.forEach after delete:");
cache.forEach((value, key) => console.log(key, value));
console.log("cache.forEach after clear:");
cache.forEach((value, key) => console.log(key, value));