1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago
multipart-formdata v1.1.0
A zero-dependency multipart/form-data parser.
Sometimes you only have access to the raw multipart payload and need it to be parsed in order to extract files or data.
Example: Using a serverless api such as claudia-api-builder
with AWS Api-Gateway/Lambda.
The raw payload formatted as multipart/form-data will looks like this one:
// req.body
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploads"; filename="somebinary.dat"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
some binary data...maybe the bits of a image..
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploads"; filename="sometext.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain
hello world
The lines above represent a raw multipart/form-data payload sent by an HTTP client via form submission containing two files. The multipart parser allows us to separate the files and extract header information.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploads[]"; filename="sometext.txt"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
hello how are you
- boundary, the unique string which serve as a 'separator' between parts, normally parsed from headers. In this case, the boundary is:
- Example implementation
var multipart = require('parse-multipart');
var body = "..the multipart raw body..";
var boundary = "----WebKitFormBoundaryDtbT5UpPj83kllfw";
var parts = multipart.parse(body, boundary);
data: <Buffer 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42>,
field: '',
filename: 'A.txt',
name: 'file',
type: 'text/plain',
}, ...];
The returned data is an array of objects, each with a filename, any data fields, field name, content-type and data properties. The data prop is a Buffer (see also Node Buffer).
7 years ago