0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

multiple-prototypal-inheritance v0.0.4

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Last release
8 years ago


This package provides for a form of multiple-prototypal inheritance for JavaScript objects.

In particular:

  • each "class" that inherits from one or more prototypes (which themselves may inherit from other prototypes) is a PrototypeTreeNode at the terminal end of an "inverted tree" of PrototypeTreeNode's
  • PrototypeTreeNode's contain "local" prototype elements and may also inherit from none (i.e.: null) or some number of other prototypes encapsulated in PrototypeTreeNode's
  • no reference copying or method copying is done in object instantiation
  • whenever a change is made to a PrototypeTreeNode, all instances whose prototypes "inherit" from that PrototypeTreeNode will have instant access to the changes

The tool may be used to create simple (empty) prototype-linked objects, or to perform more "active" instantiation by creating such (empty) prototype-linked objects and then executing a constructor function binding the newly created prototype-linked objects as the execution context (almost like new ClassyObject(arg1, arg2, ..., argn)).

Table of Contents


Meteor Package

This is available as convexset:multiple-prototypal-inheritance on Atmosphere. (Install with meteor add convexset:multiple-prototypal-inheritance.)

npm Package

... also available as multiple-prototypal-inheritance on npm. (Install with npm install multiple-prototypal-inheritance.)


By Example

We will create the following inheritance tree of T_ab_c, which inherits from

  • T_a_b (which contains properties c and d) inherits from
    • T_a (which contains properties a, c and f, but c here is not used in T_a_b because T_a_b has a local property c)
    • T_b (which contains properties a and b; but a here is not used in T_a_b because it appears in T_a which is earlier in the list of "parents")
  • T_c (which contains property e)


T_a = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    a: 1,
    c: "not used",
    d: "used",
    f: function fn(x) { return x + (this.b || this.a) }

T_b = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    b: 42,
    a: 10

T_a_b = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    c: 3
}, [T_a, T_b]);  // gets a from T_a because.... it's first.

T_c = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    e: Math.E

T_ab_c = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({}, [T_a_b, T_c]);

Here's how to create instances....

var instance = T_a_b.createLinkedObject();

... which gives a plain linked object...

Alternatively, suppose you have a constructor Construct_T_a_b like....

function Construct_T_a_b(name, stuff) {
    this.name = name;
    this.stuff = stuff;

... you can do...

instance = T_a_b.constructObject(Construct_T_a_b, "some name", "some stuff");

Supposing one has 1000000 instances in various places, one can do:

T_a.updatePrototype('a', 100);

... or...

T_b.updatePrototypeViaDescriptor('b', {
  enumerable: true,
  writable: true,
  configurable: false,
  value: 999

... or...


... and all the instances that are derived from the respective PrototypeTreeNode's will have access to the new prototype elements. Immediately. No reference changes or copying.

PrototypeTreeNode Creation

Let's revisit creation. Given a list of parent PrototypeTreeNode's localPrototypeContentsFor_Node_a_b

Node_a_b = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode(
    [Node_a, Node_b],
        customSourceSelection: {
            property_a: Node_b
        }  // supposing that property_a exists on both Node_a and Node_b
           // (but not in localPrototypeContentsFor_Node_a_b) then the
           // "merged prototype" will take the property from Node_b as
           // opposed to Node_a, as is the default behavior

The priority for inclusion of items in the "merged prototype" that instances are linked to is as follows:

  • "local prototype" contents
  • source selection list when specified in options
  • order in the list of parent PrototypeTreeNode's (e.g.: from Node_a first, in this case)

Modifying "Local Prototype" Entries

"Local prototype" entries can be changed. There are two operation types here:

  • create/update (define/redefine)
  • remove

Here are examples:

SomePrototypeTreeNode.updatePrototype('a', 100);

SomePrototypeTreeNode.updatePrototypeViaDescriptor('b', {
    enumerable: true,
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,
    value: 999


Note that exceptions will be thrown in the event that an attempt is made to update/remove a non-configurable property.

For more information on the appropriate notation for updatePrototypeViaDescriptor, see this for more information.

"Inheritance Order"

The options for MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode allows one to set a "customSourceSelection" to identify from where to inherit what. This is how to replace that selection with a new one:

    property_A: node_Z,
    property_B: node_Y,
    property_C: node_X,

The Prototype Tree

The following methods help one to discern the relationship between PrototypeTreeNode's and instances

  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.allAncestors: all ancestors of this PrototypeTreeNode
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.allDescendants: all descendants of this PrototypeTreeNode
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.parentNodes: direct parent nodes of this PrototypeTreeNode
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.childNodes: direct child nodes of this PrototypeTreeNode
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.inheritsFrom(OtherPrototypeTreeNode): returns whether SomePrototypeTreeNode inherits from OtherPrototypeTreeNode
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.isPrototypeNodeOf(instance): returns whether SomePrototypeTreeNode was used to create instance
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(instance): returns whether SomePrototypeTreeNode was used to create instance or is an ancestor of such a PrototypeTreeNode

The Prototype on the Prototype Tree Node

To obtain the information on the prototypes...

  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.localPrototypeCopy: returns a copy of the "local prototype"
  • SomePrototypeTreeNode.mergedPrototypeCopy: returns a copy of the "merged prototype"

An Extended Example

// for dumping objects with "nuanced" property descriptors
function dumpObject(o, name, sep) {
    if (typeof o !== "object") {
        return "[" + (!!name ? (name + " ") : "") + "NOT AN OBJECT]";
    var s = [];
        .forEach(function(key) {
            if (key === "___prototype_tree_node___") {

            var propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, key);
            var attrs = [key];
            if (!propDesc.enumerable) {
            if (!propDesc.configurable) {
            if (!propDesc.writable) {

            var zz = '';
            var src;
            if (!!o.___prototype_tree_node___) {
                src = o.___prototype_tree_node___.itemSource(key);
                zz = ' (Src: ' + (src === -1 ? 'Here' : src) + ')';

            s.push("  [" + attrs.join('|') + ']: ' + propDesc.value.toString() + zz);

    return (!!name ? ('[' + name + '] ') : "") + "{\n" + s.join(sep) + "\n}";

// Set some stuff up...
var p1 = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    a: 1,
    f: function fn(x) {
        return x + (this.b || this.a)
var p2 = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    a: 0,
    b: 2
// inherit from p1 and p2 and select a from p2
var p3 = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    c: 3
}, [p1, p2], {
    customSourceSelection: {
        a: p2
var p4 = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    x: "x"
// inherit from p3 and p4
var p5 = MultiplePrototypalInheritance.createNode({
    y: "y"
}, [p3, p4]);

// create linked objects (as in Object.create(proto))
var p1_instance = p1.createLinkedObject();
var p2_instance = p2.createLinkedObject();
var p3_instance = p3.createLinkedObject();
var p4_instance = p4.createLinkedObject();
var p5_instance = p5.createLinkedObject();

console.log('p1', dumpObject(p1.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p1_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p1.childNodes.length);
p1 {
  [a]: 1,  [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
} {
  [a]: 1 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p2', dumpObject(p2.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p2_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p2.childNodes.length);
p2 {
  [a]: 0,  [b]: 2
} {
  [a]: 0 (Src: Here)     [b]: 2 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p3', dumpObject(p3.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p3.childNodes.length);
p3 {
  [c]: 3
} {
  [c]: 3 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a]: 0 (Src: 1)     [b]: 2 (Src: 1)
# Children:  1
console.log('p4', dumpObject(p4.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p4_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p4.childNodes.length);
p4 {
  [x]: x
} {
  [x]: x (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p5', dumpObject(p5.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p5_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p5.childNodes.length);
p5 {
  [y]: y
} {
  [y]: y (Src: Here)     [c]: 3 (Src: 0)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a]: 0 (Src: 0)     [b]: 2 (Src: 0)     [x]: x (Src: 1)
# Children:  0
console.log('p1_instance.f(10000):', p1_instance.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance.f(10000):', p3_instance.f(10000));
p1_instance.f(10000): 10001
p3_instance.f(10000): 10002

console.log('p1.a <-- 100');
p1.updatePrototype('a', 100);
console.log('p2.b <-- 999');
p2.updatePrototypeViaDescriptor('b', {
    enumerable: true,
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,
    value: 999
console.log('p3#customSourceSelection <-- {}');

console.log('p1', dumpObject(p1.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p1_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p1.childNodes.length);
p1 {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100,  [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
} {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p2', dumpObject(p2.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p2_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p2.childNodes.length);
p2 {
  [a]: 0,  [b]: 999
} {
  [a]: 0 (Src: Here)     [b]: 999 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p3', dumpObject(p3.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p3.childNodes.length);
p3 {
  [c]: 3
} {
  [c]: 3 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b]: 999 (Src: 1)
# Children:  1
console.log('p4', dumpObject(p4.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p4_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p4.childNodes.length);
p4 {
  [x]: x
} {
  [x]: x (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p5', dumpObject(p5.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p5_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p5.childNodes.length);
p5 {
  [y]: y
} {
  [y]: y (Src: Here)     [c]: 3 (Src: 0)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b]: 999 (Src: 0)     [x]: x (Src: 1)
# Children:  0
console.log('p1_instance.f(10000):', p1_instance.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance.f(10000):', p3_instance.f(10000));
p1_instance.f(10000): 10100
p3_instance.f(10000): 10999

console.log('p2.a <-- 888');
p2.updatePrototypeViaDescriptor('a', {
    enumerable: true,
    writable: true,
    configurable: true,
    value: 888
console.log('p3.b <-- 500');
p3.updatePrototypeViaDescriptor('b', {
    enumerable: true,
    writable: true,
    configurable: false,
    value: 500

console.log('p1', dumpObject(p1.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p1_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p1.childNodes.length);
p1 {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100,  [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
} {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p2', dumpObject(p2.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p2_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p2.childNodes.length);
p2 {
  [a]: 888,  [b]: 999
} {
  [a]: 888 (Src: Here)     [b]: 999 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p3', dumpObject(p3.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p3.childNodes.length);
p3 {
  [c]: 3,  [b|NC]: 500
} {
  [c]: 3 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b|NC]: 500 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p4', dumpObject(p4.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p4_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p4.childNodes.length);
p4 {
  [x]: x
} {
  [x]: x (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p5', dumpObject(p5.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p5_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p5.childNodes.length);
p5 {
  [y]: y
} {
  [y]: y (Src: Here)     [c]: 3 (Src: 0)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b|NC]: 500 (Src: 0)     [x]: x (Src: 1)
# Children:  0
console.log('p1_instance.f(10000):', p1_instance.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance.f(10000):', p3_instance.f(10000));
p1_instance.f(10000): 10100
p3_instance.f(10000): 10500

console.log('p2.a removed');
console.log('p3.c <-- (some string)');
p3.updatePrototype('c', 'now a string');

console.log('p1', dumpObject(p1.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p1_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p1.childNodes.length);
p1 {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100,  [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
} {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p2', dumpObject(p2.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p2_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p2.childNodes.length);
p2 {
  [b]: 999
} {
  [b]: 999 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p3', dumpObject(p3.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p3.childNodes.length);
p3 {
  [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string,  [b|NC]: 500
} {
  [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b|NC]: 500 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p4', dumpObject(p4.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p4_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p4.childNodes.length);
p4 {
  [x]: x
} {
  [x]: x (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p5', dumpObject(p5.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p5_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p5.childNodes.length);
p5 {
  [y]: y
} {
  [y]: y (Src: Here)     [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string (Src: 0)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b|NC]: 500 (Src: 0)     [x]: x (Src: 1)
# Children:  0
console.log('p1_instance.f(10000):', p1_instance.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance.f(10000):', p3_instance.f(10000));
p1_instance.f(10000): 10100
p3_instance.f(10000): 10500

var p3_instance2 = p3.createLinkedObject();

function ConstructP3(b) {
    this.b = b;

console.log('var p3_instance3 = p3.constructObject(ConstructP3, 777);');
var p3_instance3 = p3.constructObject(ConstructP3, 777);

console.log('p3_instance2.f(10000):', p3_instance2.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance3.f(10000):', p3_instance3.f(10000));
p3_instance2.f(10000): 10500
p3_instance3.f(10000): 10777

console.log('p2.b removed');

console.log('p1', dumpObject(p1.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p1_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p1.childNodes.length);
p1 {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100,  [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
} {
  [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p2', dumpObject(p2.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p2_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p2.childNodes.length);
p2 {

} {

# Children:  1
console.log('p3', dumpObject(p3.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p3.childNodes.length);
p3 {
  [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string,  [b|NC]: 500
} {
  [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string (Src: Here)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b|NC]: 500 (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p4', dumpObject(p4.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p4_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p4.childNodes.length);
p4 {
  [x]: x
} {
  [x]: x (Src: Here)
# Children:  1
console.log('p5', dumpObject(p5.localPrototypeCopy), dumpObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(p5_instance), '', '   '), '\n# Children: ', p5.childNodes.length);
p5 {
  [y]: y
} {
  [y]: y (Src: Here)     [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string (Src: 0)     [f]: function fn(x) {
            return x + (this.b || this.a)
        } (Src: 0)     [a|NE|NC|NW]: 100 (Src: 0)     [b|NC]: 500 (Src: 0)     [x]: x (Src: 1)
# Children:  0
console.log('p3_instance.f(10000):', p3_instance.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance2.f(10000):', p3_instance2.f(10000));
console.log('p3_instance3.f(10000):', p3_instance3.f(10000));
p3_instance.f(10000): 10500
p3_instance2.f(10000): 10500
p3_instance3.f(10000): 10777

var p3Proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance);
console.log('p3_proto:', dumpObject(p3.localPrototypeCopy));
console.log('p3 instances have proto p3:', [p3_instance, p3_instance2, p3_instance3].map(x => p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(x)).toString())
console.log('p3 instances have same prototype:', ((Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance2) === p3Proto) && (Object.getPrototypeOf(p3_instance3) === p3Proto)).toString())
p3_proto: {
  [c|NE|NC|NW]: now a string,  [b|NC]: 500
p3 instances have proto p3: true,true,true
p3 instances have same prototype: true

console.log('p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): ' + p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance).toString());
console.log('p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): ' + p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance).toString());
console.log('p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): ' + p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance).toString());
console.log('p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): ' + p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance).toString());
console.log('p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): ' + p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance).toString());
console.log('p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): ' + p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance).toString());
p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): true
p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): false
p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): false
p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): true
p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): false
p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p1_instance): false

console.log('p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): ' + p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance).toString());
console.log('p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): ' + p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance).toString());
console.log('p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): ' + p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance).toString());
console.log('p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): ' + p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance).toString());
console.log('p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): ' + p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance).toString());
console.log('p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): ' + p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance).toString());
p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): false
p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): true
p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): false
p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): false
p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): true
p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p2_instance): false

console.log('p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): ' + p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance).toString());
console.log('p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): ' + p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance).toString());
console.log('p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): ' + p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance).toString());
console.log('p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): ' + p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance).toString());
console.log('p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): ' + p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance).toString());
console.log('p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): ' + p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance).toString());
p1.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): true
p2.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): true
p3.isAncestorPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): true
p1.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): false
p2.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): false
p3.isPrototypeNodeOf(p3_instance): true