1.3.2 • Published 11 years ago
multirepo v1.3.2
a power tool for batch processing multiple github repositories
install and clone all your repos into cwd
npm install multirepo -g
// clone all new repos. gets all the first time. on subsequent executions will only get new ones
multirepo clone
then later pull all repos that have changed since you first cloned:
multirepo pull
Checking for repos with new pushes since 2014-05-12T10:40:31.037Z
Loading repo metadata from GitHub API (page 1)...
1 repo(s) with new pushes have been found
Pulling repo maxogden/multirepo...
Cloned 0 new repos, skipped 0 existing repos, pulled 1 existing repos.
your github credentials are stored in ~/.config/multirepo-github.json
the timestamp of your last successful pull/clone is stored in ~/.config/last-multirepo-fetch.txt
clone and pull all new repos since a custom timestamp:
multirepo pull --since 2013-11-28
you can check how many have changed by just running multirepo
clone someone elses repos:
multirepo clone --user substack --since 2014-01-01
bulk updating
If you clone many users' repos into one repositories organized by username, e.g.:
$ ls repositories/
then you can put this bash script in your repositories
folder and run it to bulk update all of the sub-multirepo folders:
for i in * ; do
if [ -d "$i" ]; then
cd $(basename "$i")
CMD="multirepo clone --pull --user $(basename "$i") --since $(cat ../lastdate.txt)"
echo $CMD
cd ..
date +%Y-%m-%d > lastdate.txt