1.2.11 • Published 4 years ago

muse-cli v1.2.11

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Last release
4 years ago

Muse (μ's) CLI

Muse Logo Image\ Discord Users Online

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MuseCLI generates a discord.js bot with music features for you. You can use the generate command to automatically generate boilerplate for commands and events so you don't have to keep re-writing the same code every time you create a new component.

NOTICE: If the bot crashes or music randomly gets skipped with errors similar to Error: Too many redirects then the error comes from YTDL and I am not responsible for any issues related to said library. If any issues of the like persists, open an issue on their GitHub page.



For more details, please check the Wiki

  • Start a new project:\ muse (n)ew <project-name> <template> [--git] [--skipInstall] [--packageManager=(NPM/yarn)]

    Templates currently available: TypeScript

  • Generate a new component: \ muse (g)enerate <component> <component_name>

    Components available: command and event\ Component name supports relative path, e.g: admin/ban will create a ban command inside the admin folder


  • Multiple Ways to Start Music:

    1. Play with YouTube video links (also supports YouTube playlist links):\ Method 1

    2. Play with search query:\ Method 2

    3. Play using search command to make a selection from 10 results:\ Method 3

  • You can loop the currently playing music or queue.

    If music is looping, it will never jump to the next music in the queue unless you turn if off or skip it\ If queue is looping, the entire queue will never end.

    Loop command

  • Vote Skip if not Admin:

    Skip command

  • Each page contains up to 5 videos so you need at least 6 videos in the queue for pagination to start\ The reactor for pagination lasts for 60 seconds. If 60 seconds have passed, rerun the queue command for pagination to work again

    Queue embed

  • Updates every 5 seconds to avoid rate limit\ Duration bar
  • Clear the whole queue or a specific music at a specified index:\ Clear queue
  • Responsive Help Message:\ Supports multiple prefixes too Help message

Project Setup

Installation Instructions

For Development

  1. Run npm install -g muse-cli or yarn global add muse-cli
  2. Run muse new project-name typescript [--git] [--skipInstall] [--packageManager=(npm/yarn)]

For Contribution

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine
  3. CD into the muse-cli project root directory
  4. Run npm install or yarn
  5. Create a new branch and make your contribution
  6. Make a pull request on GitHub for me to review

Sensitive Information

You must at all cost keep your sensitive information like Discord Bot Token and YouTube API Key safe and the best way to do that is via environment variables. You can set them directly in your SYSTEM ENV, but setting them inside a .env file in your project root folder is recommended:


Command File Template

    name: '', // The name of the command
    aliases: [], // Add aliases inside the array (Optional)
    category: '', // Specify which category this command belongs to (Optional)
    usage: '', // Specify the arguments taken by the command (Optional)
    description: '', // A short description about your command (Optional)
    permissions: [], // Add permissions required to run the command (Optional)
    overrideDefaultPermCheck: false // Whether to ignore default permission check (Optional)
default class implements CommandExecutor {

    execute = async (message: Message, args: string[]): Promise<boolean> => {
        // Command code in here
        return true;



Use muse generate command <command_name> to generate boilerplate for a command

Event File Template

@Event('') // The name of the event
default class implements EventListener {

    listen = async (/* Pass in appropriate arguments for the event name passed in the decorator */) => {
        // Event code in here



Use muse generate event <event_name> to generate boilerplate for an event


I am Spimy, but my Discord is under a different name most of the time.

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