music-theory-utils v1.2.0
Music Theory Utilities
This library provides basic utilities for manipulating chords, notes, intervals and scales. Expect bugs since it is in a very early stage of development.
There are no dependencies inside this package.
, Chord
, Interval
and Scale
are class types that can be instantiated.
Every note has a pitch, and a accidental (can be empty), and an octave. A
special note called relative note does not have an octave. Methods inside Note
will work differently for them.
An interval is comprised of a size and a quality. Note that certain sizes are perfect intervals, so the sizes they require a different than those who are imperfect.
A Chord is merely a vertical stack of notes. In this library, a chord is defined by a note and a series of intervals.
A Scale is defined similarly to a Chord.
Read the docs for more details.
Some Small Examples
Create a note, and add an interval onto it, returns a new note.
new Note("A", "", 4).addInterval(new Interval("M3")); // Note { pitch: 'C', accidental: '#', octave: 5 }
Compares if two notes are enharmonically equal. Since C sharp is the same as D flat, it returns true. For exact equals, omit the second argument.
new Note("C", "#", 3).equals(new Note("D", "b", 3), true); // true
Get string representation of a note.
new Note("C", "#", 3).toString(); // C#3
Test is minor second is a perfect interval, it should be false.
new Interval("m2").isPerfectInterval(); // false
Get the number of semitones of an interval. There are four semitones between a major third, front exclusive and end inclusive.
new Interval("M3").valueOf(); // 4
Generate a chord if any kind of interval.
const c = new Chord(new Note("F"), [new Interval("M3"), new Interval("m3")]);
/* Chord {
base: Note { pitch: 'F', accidental: '', octave: null },
intervals: [
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 3 },
Interval { quality: 'm', size: 3 }
} */
Collect the notes of a chord as an array.
const cc = [...c];
Note { pitch: 'F', accidental: '', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'A', accidental: '', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'C', accidental: '', octave: null }
The library also provides several interval helpers like minor seventh, major seventh and so on.
new Chord(new Note("A", "b"), Chord.minorSeventh);
Chord {
base: Note { pitch: 'A', accidental: 'b', octave: null },
intervals: [
Interval { quality: 'm', size: 3 },
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 3 },
Interval { quality: 'm', size: 3 }
Generate a B dorian scale.
const s = new Scale(new Note("B"), Scale.dorian);
Scale {
root: Note { pitch: 'B', accidental: '', octave: null },
configuration: [
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 2 },
Interval { quality: 'm', size: 2 },
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 2 },
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 2 },
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 2 },
Interval { quality: 'm', size: 2 },
Interval { quality: 'M', size: 2 }
We can also collect scales into a note array.
const ss = [...s];
Note { pitch: 'B', accidental: '', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'C', accidental: '#', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'D', accidental: '', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'E', accidental: '', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'F', accidental: '#', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'G', accidental: '#', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'A', accidental: '', octave: null },
Note { pitch: 'B', accidental: '', octave: null }
After cloning, install the dev dependencies with:
npm install
Run the tests with:
npm run test # one time
npm run test:watch # continuously
Generate docs and coverage report with:
npm run doc
npm run test:coverage
Build the project with:
npm run build:ts
npm run watch:ts # continuously rebuild the project