muthu-plugins v1.0.6
Commonly used plugins for Javascript based frameworks.
with npm
npm install --save muthu-plugins
For Api Calls
To Initialize Headers and Base Url for Api Calls, call the below method to initialize.
"Content-Tye":"application/json", // Remove or Change value for Content Type whatever you need
"Authorization":"Bearer Token" // Remove or Change value for Authorization whatever you need
"YOUR_CUSTOM_HEADERS" : "YOUR_CUSTOM_HEADERS_VALUE" // Add your Headers whatever you need
"BASEURL_STRING", // Must be your Base URL
"WITH_CREDENTIALS", // With Credentials must be Boolean - true | false
status_code : "401", // Kindly pass the status code to run the function mentioned in func key for all Api's
func: "YOUR_FUNCTIONS" // Call your functions based on Status Code (status_code)
status_code : "406", // Kindly pass the status code to run the function mentioned in func key for all Api's
func: "YOUR_FUNCTIONS" // Call your functions based on Status Code (status_code)
For Example,
import {initializeApiCall} from "muthu-plugins";
"Authorization":"Bearer Token",
func: () => (your_function1(),your_function2(),...)
For Get Method, call getApiCall method to make the request and get the respsonse.
getApiCall('PART_OF_URL_STRING', (response) => {
For Post Method, call postApiCall method to make the request and get the respsonse.
var data = {} // Your POST Data's
postApiCall('PART_OF_URL_STRING', {data}, (response) => {
For Put Method, call putApiCall method to make the request and get the respsonse.
var data = {} // Your Data's
putApiCall('PART_OF_URL_STRING', {data}, (response) => {
For Patch Method, call patchApiCall method to make the request and get the respsonse.
var data = {} // Your Data's
patchApiCall('PART_OF_URL_STRING', {data}, (response) => {
For Delete Method, call deleteApiCall method to make the request and get the respsonse.
var data = {} // Your Data's
deleteApiCall('PART_OF_URL_STRING', {data}, (response) => {
For storing items in Cookie, Use set, get and remove Cookie items.
For set item, use below to set the item to store in Cookie.
setCookie(name, value);
For set item with expiry, use below to set the item to store in Cookie with Expiry.
setCookieWithExpiry(name, value, no_of_expiry_days);
For get item, use below to get the item stored in Cookie.
For remove item, use below to remove the item stored in Cookie.
For remove all items, use below to remove all the items stored in Cookie.
For storing items locally, Use set, get and remove Storage items.
For set item, use below to set the item to store in local storage.
storageSetItem(key, value);
For get item, use below to get the item stored in local storage.
For remove item, use below to remove the item stored in local storage.
For remove all items, use below to remove all items stored in local storage.
For storing items in session, Use set, get and remove Storage items in session.
For set item, use below to set the item to store in session storage.
sessionStorageSetItem(key, value);
For get item, use below to get the item stored in session storage.
For remove item, use below to remove the item stored in session storage.
For remove all items, use below to remove all items stored in session storage.
To Format Currency with Amount, Use the below to format currency.
currencyFormatter(amount, code);
For Example
currencyFormatter('120','INR'); // Returns ₹120
To Format Date with Time, Use the below to format.
To Format Date and return only Date, Use the below to format.
To Format Time and return only Time, Use the below to format.
To capitalize the given text, Use the below to change the text to capitalized.
To return the value from Object.
To return the First Object Value from Object.
returnFirstDegreeObjValue(obj, key);
To return the Second Object Value from Object.
returnSecondDegreeObjValue(obj, key, postion);
To return the Third Object Value from Object.
returnThirdDegreeObjValue(masterobj, obj, key, postion);
To return the Fourth Object Value from Object.
returnFourthDegreeObjValue(masterobj, obj, key, postion, fourthObj);
To return the Fifth Object Value from Object.
returnFifthDegreeObjValue(masterobj, obj, key, postion, fourthObj, fifthObj);
To parse the Object.
To stringify the JSON Object.
To reload the window.
To reload the window to certain path.
This component is written by Muthukumar D.
Muthukumar D, 2022 © All Rights Reserved. Muthukumar D