1.0.0-alpha.0 • Published 4 years ago

mw-apigee-apiproxy v1.0.0-alpha.0

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Last release
4 years ago


1. Installation

To install mw-apigee-apiproxy, run:

$ npm install mw-apigee-apiproxy --global

2. Usage

mw-apigee-apiproxy will generate files in the current working directory, so be sure to change to a new directory first if you don't want to overwrite existing files.

mw-apigee-apiproxy supports CD workflows that can be executed in a command-line interface.

2.1. Generate a new API Proxy project

To scaffold a new API Proxy project, open a terminal and create a new, empty directory:

# Create a new directory
$ mkdir foo-proxy

# Enter your new directory
$ cd foo-proxy

Run the app generator:

# Scaffold a new API Proxy project
$ yo apiproxy
# Answer the prompts till done

3. Automating API Proxy CI/CD workflows

Projects created with mw-apigee-apiproxy include npm-scripts that facilitate automated API Proxy design, builds, linting, testing, documentation, version control, semantic versioning, CHANGELOG generation, packaging, and deployment to Apigee EDGE.

Here's a recommended sequence of tasks and commands you can incorporate into your CI/CD value streams.

3.1. Design your API with Swagger UI

  1. Go to the online Swagger Editor.
  2. Create a well-formed Swagger document.
  3. Copy the Swagger document to your clipboard.
  4. Open an IDE and paste the Swagger's YAML into a new file.
  5. Save the file to openapi directory.

3.2. Build, lint, test, document, and push to Git

If you're a lazy programmer (like me), you can run:

$ npm run build-test-push

Or, if that's too many characters for you, run the abbreviated command:

$ npm run btp

This will execute a:

  1. :factory: Build. If the build passes, then it will execute
  2. :100: Test, which includes these quality gates:

  3. :bathtub: Lint the

    • Swagger documents and the
    • Javascript callout source code (if any exists). If all's good, then it will
  4. :school: Test with jest. If all tests pass within the coverage threshold, it will check

  5. :lock: Security (with nsp). If prelimary security checks pass, it'll

  6. :page_facing_up: Document your

  • Swagger spec and
  • Javascript callout code (both of which you'll find in the docs directory). Finally, it'll
  1. :arrow_up: Commit and push to Git.

:warning: npm run btp generates an automated commit message

The prepend-header.sh shell script will use the default message "docs(api): auto-generate api docs and complexity report". The script can accept an alternate commit message, but that's not available from the npm-script btp, yet. If you want add that, submit a pull request :v:.

3.3. Package all apiproxy artifacts

Finally, you can update the repository's apiproxy -- your final build -- by running:

$ npm run apigee:apiproxy:update

This uses openapi2apigee behind the scenes to update the apiproxy artifacts and generate an apiproxy.zip file in your project's root directory.

3.4. Deploy the apiproxy package to Apigee EDGE


$ npm run apigee:apiproxy:deploy

This not only generates apiproxy artifacts, but also deploys to an Apigee EDGE host of your choosing.

4. Quality gates, reports, and documentation

mw-apigee-apiproxy creates a consistent repository with tools that enforce Swagger quality; Javascript quality; and Javascript unit tests and code coverage.

4.1. Validate Swagger documentation

:trophy: mw-apigee-apiproxy validates Swagger docs with swagger-cli.

swagger-cli validation runs before every test execution:

$ npm test

swagger-api/validator-badges display whether there are syntactic issues with you Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 document:

  • Valid: Swagger Validity cordova-contacts.swagger.yaml
  • Invalid: Swagger Validity

4.2. Analyze Javascript callout source code

:closed_lock_with_key: :bath: :ocean: mw-apigee-apiproxy lints source code; checks for vulnerabilities; assesses dependency drift; and executes quality gates with BitHound, eslint, nsp, and SonarQube/sonarcloud.

The results are displayed real-time with README badges.

Code quality analysis runs before every test execution:

$ npm test

If you'd like an eslint report in HTML (with links to errors and warnings), run the following command to generate a eslint-report.html:

$ npm run eslint:html

4.3. Test Javascript callouts

:100: mw-apigee-apiproxy uses jest for BDD spec execution and code coverage analysis.

The results are displayed real-time with README badges.


$ npm test

This generates:

  • Detailed code coverage reports at coverage/lcov-report/index.html, as well as
  • lcov.info and clover.xml files, which you can send to CI test coverage services like Coveralls.
  • Static markdown API documentation with complexity reports in the docs/ directory.

4.4. Generate API documentation and complexity reports

:page_facing_up: mw-apigee-apiproxy comes with jsdoc-to-markdown, complexity-report, and swagger-markdown that generate static markdown documentation.

To generate API docs, Swagger docs, and complexity reports in the docs directory, run:

$ npm run docs

4.4.1. Only generate OpenAPI/Swagger docs

If you want to inspect your static OpenAPI docs before you push to source control or before you release your apiproxy to Apigee EDGE, run:

# Only generate static Swagger API docs (as markdown)
$ npm run docs:swagger:apis

# Generate static Swagger API docs with custom parameters
$ npm run docs:swagger-markdown -- -i /path/to/swagger.yml -o /path/to/swagger-api.md

4.4.2. Only generate jsc API docs and complexity reports

If your apiproxy has Javascript callouts, you can preview your callouts' documentation and complexity reports in the docs directory by running:

$ npm run docs:jsc

# Access jsdoc2md directly, e.g.,
$ npm run docs:jsdoc2md --  --partial .assets/jsdoc2md/*.hbs --files lib/*.js > docs/README.md

5. Release management automation

If you and your team write commit messages that comply with the the Conventional Commit Message Specification, mw-apigee-apiproxy can use standard-version to automate

  • Semantic versioning (with Git tags), and
  • CHANGELOG generation

When you're ready to release, run:

$ npm run release