1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

my-ex3-package v1.0.0

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2 years ago

Exercise 2 - In depth JS, Async, & MVC

Time for task #2! Here we'll get your code to look a little more professional + modern, and you'll get to access data from an external API which opens up a lot of doors for you.

In this section you will practice

JS - More in depth, using classes, methods, iterators
Async JS - Working with async code to retrieve data from a public API MVC - Basic design pattern for separating concerns

What you are going to build

We already have a todo app where you can add your own tasks but... what about adding pokemon related tasks? Yes, you'll be reaching out to the pokemon API (https://pokeapi.co/) in order to retrieve pokemon information to populate your todos.

But this kind of work requires a bit more code organization, so...

The requirements:

  • Refactor your current code to use classes with methods (you can copy+paste the code to a new file and refactor there - just make sure to update the scripts tag in your index.html)
  • Create an ItemManager class (in a new file) to manage the item adding/removing + pokemon fetching - this class does not deal with the DOM
  • Store todos in an array (class attribute) - this should be in the ItemManager class
  • Render todos from the array using a separate render method
  • Remove todos by updating the list and re-rendering
  • Create a PokemonClient class (in a new file) to get data from the Pokemon API - remember the HTML has to be aware of this file...
  • If the user only inputs a number, add a Catch ${pokemon} todo to your array of todos (and render it, of course)
  • If the user inputs a comma separated list of IDs, retrieve multiple pokemon in parallel using Promise.all and render them all
  • Handle any errors in retrieving the pokemon (i.e. when a user inputs an invalid ID like 44124. See below gif for an example)
  • Add a normal todo item if the input is not a pokemon

When you finish it should look like this:



  • Add a delete all option - make sure you're actually deleting the data, not just removing from the DOM
  • Validate that the user isn't adding the same pokemon todo more than once
  • Get more nested data from the pokemon API and display it as part of the todo item (e.g. “catch bulbasaur the grass/leaf type pokemon”)
    • you'll have to explore the API to understand where to extract that data from =]
  • Modify the API request to use a pokemon’s name instead of its ID if you find a pokemon name (from a closed list of values) in the user’s input. For example, if the user inputs "charmender", you should get the data about charmender from the API by this pokemon's name - you'll have to read the docs for this too to see how that works ;)
  • In the solution file you'll see this piece of code: pokemons.forEach(this.addPokemonItem);
    • The addPokemonItem method adds the pokemon to the array of todos and renders the todos list again
    • Can you figure out why this line of code is inefficient? Can you improve it?
  • Have another cool idea? Go wild!