0.1.11 • Published 11 months ago

my-simple-form v0.1.11

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Last release
11 months ago


show simple form from your model.

how to use

declare template and data bindings

import MSF, { state } from 'my-simple-form';

// MSF is vue sfc for 'components' fields and puts <MSF/> into 'template'
components: { MSF }


// get/set datas for your forms by reactive 'state' fields.
// set forms and identify question by 'fid' and 'model'.
// 'fid' represents field in forms key in case 'f1', 'f2'
// 'model' represents field in questions in case 'q1', 'q2',
state.forms = {
    'f1': {
        questions: {
            'q1': {
                caption: 'question 1',
                summary: 'summary 1',
                value: { type: 'text', init: 'a' },
                order: 0,
                placeholder: 'placeholder 1',
// 'style' field let this question styles 'enabled|disabled|required|hide'.
// 'enabled': enable user answer this question.
// 'disabled': gray out this question and show 'warn' message.
// 'required': red border this field and show 'warn message' and not to gray-out.
// 'hide': hide this question as user cannot touch.

// you can use special operands;
// - fid.model;     e.g. f1.q1, form1.question1
// - _util.date;    e.g. _util.date.isMatch(f1.q1, 'yyyy/MM/dd') 
//      - see. https://date-fns.org/v2.30.0/docs functions
// - _util.math:    e.g. _util.math.abs(f1.q1)
//      - see. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math functions
                style: { expr: parse(`f1.q1.length ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "required", "warn" : "question 1 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
            'q2': {
                caption: 'question 2',
                summary: 'summary 2',
                value: { type: 'email', init: 'fuga@piyo' },
                order: 1,
                placeholder: 'placeholder 2',
                style: { expr: parse(`f1.q2.length ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "disabled", "warn" : "question 2 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
            'q3': {
                caption: 'question 3',
                summary: 'summary 3',
                value: { type: 'check', init: true },
                order: 2,
                placeholder: 'placeholder 3',
                style: { expr: parse(`f1.q3 ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "hide", "warn" : "question 3 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
            'q4': {
                caption: 'question 4',
                summary: 'summary 4',
                value: { type: 'number', init: 1 },
                order: 3,
                placeholder: 'placeholder 4',
                style: { expr: parse(`f1.q4 ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "required", "warn" : "question 4 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
            'q5': {
                caption: 'question 5',
                summary: 'summary 5',
                value: { type: 'select', init: '', values: ['a', 'b', 'c'] },
                order: 4,
                placeholder: '(placeholder 5)',
                style: { expr: parse(`f1.q5 ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "required", "warn" : "question 5 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
// 'goto' field determs next form by 'fid'.
// this form displays 
//  - 'ok' button user go to its 'fid' if 'goto' is not empty
//  - 'done' button completes user all forms as can reach if 'goto' is empty
        goto: { expr: parse('f1.q3 ? "f2" : "f3"') }

    'f2': {
        questions: {
            'q1': {
                caption: 'question 1',
                summary: 'summary 1',
                value: { type: 'text', init: 'a' },
                order: 0,
                placeholder: 'placeholder 1',
                style: { expr: parse(`f2.q1.length ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "required", "warn" : "question 1 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
        goto: { expr: parse('"f3"') }

    'f3': {
        questions: {
            'q1': {
                caption: 'question 1',
                summary: 'summary 1',
                value: { type: 'text', init: 'a' },
                order: 0,
                placeholder: 'placeholder 1',
                style: { expr: parse(`f3.q1.length ? '{ "display" : "enabled" }' : '{ "display" : "required", "warn" : "question 1 should not to be empty !" }'`) },
state.flow = {
// 'done' field puts your original message on complete all forms
// 'pages' and 'current' field is pagination of forms user can reach
    pages: ['f1'], current: 0,

// 'model' field is user edits state.
// state.model['fid']['model'] are reactive values
state.model = {
    'f1': {
        'q1': '',
        'q2': '',
        'q3': false,
        'q4': 0,
        'q5': 'a',
    'f2': {
        'q1': '',
    'f3': {
        'q1': '',


// set event in template section
<MSF @change="(fid,model)=>..." @ok="fid=>..." ...

// declarations of events emitted from component
type E = {
  change(fid: string, model: string): void;
  ok(fid:string): void;
  done(fid:string): void;
  pagination(fid:string): void;

store initial values

import { modelinit } from 'my-simple-form';

// state.model will be initial value by state.forms.*.questions.*.value.init

11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago