0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

my-test-dev v0.1.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Clone the repository

Go to https://github.com/AI-INNOVATION-CORP/pj-associations-portal

Create a folder in your computer with a short path, such as C:\Y\<PROJECT_NAME>

  1. Copy the repository URL from GitHub
  2. Use Git to clone the repository into your recently created folder. For example, open Git Bash, navigate to C:\Y\<PROJECT_NAME> and run git clone <URL>.
  3. Checkout the "dev" branch of the project in order to get all the latest code in your local repository.

Set up the Frontend environment

  1. Open the console (CMD), navigate to C:\Y\<PROJECT_NAME>
  2. Run the server: a.npm install command to install all the project dependencies b. Once all dependencies have been installed, run npm start command. c. The browser will automatically open a new tab using the following address: http://localhost:3000/.


  1. Create a branch from "dev" called feature/<FEATURE_NAME>, bugfix/<BUGFIX_NAME>, integration/<INTEGRATION_NAME>, improvement/<IMPROVEMENT_NAME> or addon/<ADDON_NAME> depending on the task. Ask your project admin if you have any question.
  2. Open the project in IntelliJ, Visual Studio, WebStorm or any other IDE of your preference.
  3. Write your code (always in English).
  4. Commit your changes. Give your commits significant names. Format your code before any commit
  5. When you finish a feature, create a Pull Request to "dev" and assign it to the person in charge of reviewing the code

Basic considerations


If you change to another branch and want to guarantee that everything is perfectly clean, stop the server and run the following commands: 1. npm start command
