1.7.2 • Published 3 years ago

myei-validatejs v1.7.2

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Last release
3 years ago


This is a lightweight, easy-to-use plugin, which allows customizable and highly configurable validations of the most common cases contemplating multiple elements in real time, without having them within a <form>.

Quieres ver esto en Español?

Examples, demo and requirements:

You can try the demo with some of the features listed.

This plugin requires jQuery and if you want translations, can be integrated easily with my plugin TranslateJs

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/translate.min.js"></script> <!-- Optional -->
<script src="/path/to/validate.min.js"></script>


validate = Validate(options) // If ```realTime: true```, starts listening in every compatible fields now.

// In order to check the validation status, it's like this:
validate.itsOk();  // (ret. boolean)

Options definitions:

These are the default values, and you can pass only the ones that wanna change.

var options = {
  type: 'all',          // all, group
  group: '',            // name of the group class (requires type: 'group')
  required: true,       // only required fields
  warn: true,           // highlights errored fields
  descriptions: true,   // shows errors descriptions (requires warn: true)
  lang: {},             // custom JSON (requires warn: true and descriptions: true)
  animations: true,     // shows animations on errored fields (requires warn: true)
  color: 'red',         // (hex) error color, (must include #, requires warn: true)
  align: 'right',       // messages alignment
  realTime: true,       // validates at typing (requires warn: true)
  debug: false          // shows debug info in console

Messages customization:

These are the default messages. In the same way, they can be customized by passing only the ones that we want to change in the lang property from the options object.

If we use Translate.js this object must be included in each language.

// These messages are in Spanish, because it's used more often
var validateJs = {
  min: 'La longitud de caracters mínima para este campo es de: ',
  max: 'La longitud de caracters máxima para este campo es de: ',
  numbers: 'Este campo solo permite números',
  letters: 'Este campo solo permite letras (sin espacios)',
  lettersSpaces: 'Este campo solo permite letras',
  lettersNumbers: 'Este campo permite letras y números (sin espacios)',
  text: 'Este campo es requerido y no puede estar vacío',
  password: 'Este campo es requerido y no puede estar vacío',
  passwd: 'Al menos una letra mayúscula <br> - Al menos una letra minúscula <br> - Al menos un carácter numérico <br> - Al menos un carácter especial (!@#._-$%^&*)',
  email: 'Debe ser un email válido',
  'select-one': 'Debe seleccionar alguna opción de la lista',
  'select-multiple': 'Debe seleccionar al menos una opción de la lista',
  textarea: 'Este campo es requerido y no puede estar vacío',
  hidden: 'Este campo es requerido y no puede estar vacío',
  checkbox: 'Este campo es requerido y no puede estar vacío',
  radio: 'Este campo es requerido y no puede estar vacío',
  file: 'Debe agregar al menos un archivo',
  ip: 'Esto no es una dirección ip valida, por favor verifícala',
  url: 'Esto no es una url correcta. <br> - ej: https://google.com',
  pattern: 'Esto no cumple con el patrón especificado: '

opciones = {
  lang: validateJs

// ó

opciones = {
  lang: {
    min: 'Custom error message for min'

Another way for doing this, is by using the property data-rule-msg (These rules are listed here)

<!-- Customizing one rule -->
<input type="text" data-pattern="^[0-9]+$" data-pattern-msg="Custom message, only for this field and for the specified rule">

<!-- Customizing several rules -->
<input type="text" data-max="10" data-min="2" data-min-msg="Message for min rule" data-max-msg="Message for max rule" required>

<!-- Only shown if no rules are used -->
<input type="text" data-default-msg="Custom default message, only for this field">

HTML configurations

By using options.type = 'all' will cover all of elements: input, select, area without distinctions

<input type="text" />

By using options.type = 'all' and options.required = true

<input type="text" required/>

By using options.type = 'group' and options.group = 'validate-me'

<input type="radio" name="gender" class="validate-me" />

<select name="gender" class="validate-me">
  <option value=""></option>

By using options.required = true will only validate the required fields from the target.

The checkbox y radio fields must have the name property

Validation rules

The default validation for the specified fields is empty, to customize this it can be added rules by using the data property, like this: data-rule

<input type="text" name="nombres" data-min="3" data-letters-spaces />

<textarea data-min="2" data-max="140" data-numbers />

<!-- When it's used Select2 -->
<select class="select2-class" data-s2>
  <!-- ... -->

The rules can be used together and they are listed below:

  • min: (int) minimum length for the field
  • max: (int) maximum length for the field
  • letters: only allows letters
  • letters-spaces: only allows letters and blank spaces
  • numbers: only allows numbers
  • letters-numbers: allows letters and numbers
  • ip: ip address e.g.:
  • passwd: at least one uppercase, at least one lowercase, at least one number, at least one special character (!@#._-$%^&*)
  • email: email address
  • url: url e.g.: https://google.com
  • pattern: (string) receives a custom regex, e.g.: ^0-9+$
  • optional: it will be ignored while it's empty
  • s2: In order to integrate with Select2 lib properly

Custom rules:

Do you need to validate another thing that it's not within the available rules? No problem, you can add your own rules through this method addRule(name, callback, message):

callback considerations:

  • Receives two optional arguments (e, arg):
    • e: the DOM element as an argument (It represents: jQuery(field))
    • arg: Argument for the rule (ej: data-my-rule="arg")
  • It must return a boolean value (being true when validation is successful)
// Create the instansce first
var validate = Validate(opciones)

// Add as much as you need
                  function (e) {
                      return parseInt(e.val()) % 2 === 0; 
                  'This number isn\'t pair');

// Then we can execute the validations

validate.reset(); // Resets all validation and messages, if we need it to

Now in HTML we can assign these custom rules as we do it before data-rule-name:

<input type="text" data-is-pair>

Live validations

Also keystrokes validations can be added in order to increase the control over the fields (role) which contains a certain class (target):

The availabe roles are listed below:

  • alphabetic: only allows letters keys
  • numeric: only allows numeric keys
  • alphanumeric: allows numeric and letters keys
//Validate().addLive(role, target);

Validate().addLive('numeric', 'validate-me'); // e.g.: <input type="text" class="validate-me">

If target it's not specified, the default value is validate-role e.g.: validate-alphabetic

Validate().addLive('alphabetic'); // e.g.: <input type="text" class="validate-alphabetic">